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i just read the next chapter and basically she knows about the mc and she’s kinda jealou...

aurora November 28, 2023 10:04 pm

i just read the next chapter and basically she knows about the mc and she’s kinda jealous of her, they even sleep in the same bed and he kisses her forehead before she sleeps……. and she’s really touchy and expresses her jealousy :/ like he’s fake af idc

    vee :P November 29, 2023 2:59 am

    nah fuck the manager

    Kiyomi November 29, 2023 3:01 am

    Are they together or sum!?

    aurora November 29, 2023 3:07 am
    Are they together or sum!? Kiyomi

    to be fully honest i dont know. they don’t have a normal relationship that’s a fact, like she literally points at her forehead while they are in bed and he leans in and kisses it LIKE ???? but i don’t know what kind of relationship they have

    Kiyomi November 29, 2023 8:46 pm
    to be fully honest i dont know. they don’t have a normal relationship that’s a fact, like she literally points at her forehead while they are in bed and he leans in and kisses it LIKE ???? but i don’t kno... aurora

    I saw its.. not normal at all and can be very much taken the wrong way