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pls need recs, no sexual or maybe a lil, focus on plot.

Oya? Oya Oya~ Oya Oya Oya~~ November 28, 2023 7:49 pm

recs suicidal/constantly tries to kill self mc/lead partner, and the partner is severely scared/worried for suicidal partner. that's it, thankyou.

    Akira November 28, 2023 7:53 pm


    Oya? Oya Oya~ Oya Oya Oya~~ November 28, 2023 10:33 pm AugustAsylum

    oh thanks! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    CherryTree December 1, 2023 11:25 am

    I know of one that is not on the previous list >

    CherryTree December 1, 2023 11:56 am AugustAsylum

    What are the odds of you seeing this post !!! ! Its quite extraordinary as I believe this quiery and this list are quite a rare thing ! I am obviously not going to binge watch because it makes me not depressed but i don't know i feel it's somehow toxic for my brain it feels like there is a specific sensation, as if a specific chemical is distilled by my brain when i am reading about self-harm behaviour. It makes my brain feels a bit weird. Just like when i am reading something about addiction to alcohol/drug it's the same kind of feeling _ i don't know if you know what i mean. Anyway. I am sure such stories can be helpful or healthy/unhealthy depending on who reads them and for which purpose . If i had to process or digest such things , as being exposed to self harm, i would definitely take care of my brain and my self by using a regulating self care therapy with self help tools like EFT (emotionnal freedom technique) to make sure i am '' resettiing/rebalancing '' = '' regulating internally '' and not piling things up in my system. Better leave it out ! (That' i feel about it.) But maybe someone with self harm will fnd this list super helpful to unravel the grip of such type of obsessions. I just want to say, let's be good to our body and this precious thing called brain. _ wishing you the best brain possible. And to be as well as possible.

    CherryTree December 1, 2023 12:08 pm

    Hello Brains ! I am going to leave this two websites (selfcare ressources for the brain) (it's free) Because i am that stupid stranger who cannot help but care.
    This one has a free newsletter that i found really warm.
    Just in case you are taking care of someone who self harms, i recommend the first aid kit for emotions program (super cheap and super helpful) on the meditation app called Timer (by Thor Blondal.)

    CherryTree December 1, 2023 12:15 pm

    I never had the pleasure to share this list that i made, i called it '' Hello Brains '' ! I thought maybe you will like it. It's packed with stories about the adventure of living with a special brain (neuroatypical/ neurospicy) i think it's an interesting trope, especially in comics! <3

    Oya? Oya Oya~ Oya Oya Oya~~ December 1, 2023 6:12 pm
    I never had the pleasure to share this list that i made, i called it '' Hello Brains '' ! I thought maybe you will like it. It's packed with stories about the adventure of living with a special brain (neuroatyp... CherryTree

    lol thanks! and the previous links too(▰˘◡˘▰)

    AugustAsylum December 1, 2023 6:30 pm
    What are the odds of you seeing this post !!! ! Its quite extraordinary as I believe this quiery and this list are quite a rare thing ! I am obviously not going to binge watch because it makes me not depressed ... CherryTree

    Thank you cherry tree, I actually made the list because I suffer from chronic pain and depression and the stories in the list helped me cope

    CherryTree December 1, 2023 8:44 pm
    Thank you cherry tree, I actually made the list because I suffer from chronic pain and depression and the stories in the list helped me cope AugustAsylum

    Oh ! I understand now ! Yeah chronic pain is a bitch _ do you have muscular pain ? I have been chronically in pain for a long time myself !
    May i share what i find helps me with muscular pain ? _ personnally i have a basket near my bed with a collection of very soft brushes. (I have three different type : make up blush ; soft pencil brush ; soft shower brush the natural hair ones. And it helps distracting my brain from the pain signal ! Either i use it on my face / hands / feet ; or my neck, or i brush my body completely imagining i am removing '' dust from the day '' or the tensions. Also sometimes i use it on the skin of the zone where i feel inflammation or pain (or to the symetrical equivalent limb or the opposite side of the body. that also work for me !)_ that strategy may also work for different types of pain !! Distracting the brain from the pain signal with movement or sensory information is very helpful for me. (As is E.F.T. for pain) but my type of pain is metabolic and doesn't allow me to move around (it's a type of metabolic crash ) _.BUT i finally found a precious ressource (free on YouTube !) For micro movements. For bed yoga, my favorite teacher is Sleepy Santosha. Do you know her ? She is wonderful ! She has yoga for spoonies and yoga for exhaustion/chronic fatigue and for pain. I find her presence relaxing and uplifting <3 _ in the winter i am at my lowest and during that time i enioy Melissa West's restorative yoga sessions (see '' without props'' and '' for beginners '') _ The first aid kit for emotions is also a good tool as a coping self help ressource for pain signal ! (Thor Blondal was my therapist at some poiint in my life and i love the way his brain work. Very compassionate and empowering.) _ those ressources made my life bearable. Right now i feel ok and content with what i have but yeah. I feel solidarity to my fellow spoonies and chronic illness warriors !! So all the hugs to you <3

    ktrevv December 1, 2023 10:01 pm
    Oh ! I understand now ! Yeah chronic pain is a bitch _ do you have muscular pain ? I have been chronically in pain for a long time myself !May i share what i find helps me with muscular pain ? _ personnally i h... CherryTree

    Your so kind bro and understanding and I don't even know you I hope your issues get resolved bc you don't deserve it

    Oya? Oya Oya~ Oya Oya Oya~~ December 2, 2023 4:25 am

    @cherrytree & augustasylum and others, idk what to say but i wish you guys heal and get better cus being in pain sucks fr.