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People who date nonhumans.

Evilteddybear November 27, 2023 11:43 pm

I get frustrated with people in fiction who are dating a nonhuman and then are very offended and disappointed because "Why aren't they acting like a normal person? Why are they so weird, their morality is so off." Yes. He's not a human being so he doesn't act like one. To give the MC credit it's not like little white hair has explained very much or tried to explain what makes him different. But it's a frustrating theme in bl. Also "I am dating a psycho but why isn't he kinder to other people?"

    Evilteddybear November 27, 2023 11:48 pm

    P.S. The answer is because he is a psycho and you spent all the chapters before you got together ranting about that so you knew.