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Not bad. Light angst. Sweet, short read.

Sadistic-Senpai November 21, 2023 3:10 pm

Aw. It was a sweet read, actually. The storytelling, portrayal of emotions, and characterization seemed good for a short read. I usually hate/dislike prostitute ukes but here I didn’t. He was into that business but he didn’t come off as shitty or slutty.

And his reluctance in accepting was coming from his prostitution past. He wanted to now live honorably, normally, and leave that dark past. And this change was triggered by Kazaki But there was psychological struggle as he liked Kinazaki who was from his past but he didn’t like his past. Then his struggle to rediscovering himself, reestablishing, getting scared of later conflict of his feelings and losing his new role in society, figuring out his feels, etc.
