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Portrait of poverty and uneducated parent

Myouki November 19, 2023 11:21 pm

This manga clearly shows the reality of it. I don't know if I can use "broken family" to label Rintarou's family. To called this below poverty line family as broken, just insinuating that the only way a family is healthy is when they're wealthy. And that is kinda... pessimistic way to view this beautiful family.

Yes, the way Rintarou's father done things is a bit "not good", but view them as his being "abusive" is just wrong. He only knows how to be a fisherman, live day by day with uncertainty about money. Of course when Rintarou needs that much money, it burdens him as the only one breadwinner in that house.

There is many, many things we need to consider when we talk about poverty. And stamp the family that experience that and their choice around their reality as "bad" or "good" is erasing nuance around poverty

I think this manga capture a sliver of that reality beautifully, without dehumanize, vilify the choice they make.

    Nadia November 20, 2023 12:02 am

    I agree to some extent but the behavior of the father still has a lot to be improved (and criticize) on, seeing how much weight a bit of compliment from the father has to the protagonist has me thinking of the pain they still have from their relationships