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That smirk thooooo

dollface November 19, 2023 7:40 pm

My first reaction to this is holy crap, he actually did it. He convinced what has to be one of the most stubbornly avoidant characters I've ever come across to come out from hiding and actually take what he wanted. Was it an epic manipulation? Yes. BUT Yisoo needed something to break him of the pattern he set for himself, and when Gangjin didn't halfass any part of his plan to own Yisoo completely. I think he also knew from the start that there was a way to get his mother to assent, but that woman would then ALWAYS occupy a part of Yisoo's time, heart and consciousness. Every time she texts, it breaks a piece of Yisoo inside. He deliberately shattered that family bond to get Yisoo wholly and completely. It's why he let their parents get married at all. Gangjin is the villain you want, because a hero will sacrifice you to save everyone, a villain doesn't care who he hurts to keep you safe and his. He may not be a good person, but he is Yisoo's person.

If we really want to talk douche bags tho can we talk about the friend that freaking side lined him and had the nerve to come back years later and try and get him back? That freaking jerk. He doesn't deserve to be happy. Jerk.

    Mikusama December 2, 2023 1:53 am

    Totally agree about the "friend".

    Avantgarde December 5, 2023 4:31 am

    Why did he let them marry? Can you explain your thought process a bit, it's so interesting. I would love to understand more.