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I understand his anxiety…

pinkbunny November 18, 2023 11:44 am

But he’s got to grow up and deal with it. I’m sorry but that’s the harsh truth. Jaeyoung said to wait for him to give an explanation but for someone so rational, he’s being irrational. Now, if this is his first time escaping something like this, I wouldn’t be so annoyed but Sangwoo keeps on doing this over and over again. If this was realistic, Jaeyoung would have given up on him. I mean, seriously, do you expect for people to always chase after you every single damn time? Jaeyoung has been fucking patient, like what more does he want?

    CherryTree November 18, 2023 1:53 pm

    I don't know what Jaeyoung was thinking , because it's obvious Sangwoo NEEDS his routine to be able to feel allright And Sangwoo is a perfectionnist plus he hates to feel emotionnal so Jaeyoung just did exactly the opposite of what makes Sangwoo feels good . (!!!) Sangwoo likes ROUTINES and to PLAN things and to be ahead of things.