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My two cents

Leeria November 15, 2023 9:31 pm

I've read ABO novels in which it's often mentioned that alpha x beta couples don't end in happiness because pheromones/instinct always win over love, and then the lead couple would prove that belief wrong. But in this, that very fact is being proven true and I never thought I'd actually come across a manga in which the alpha goes with the flow and cheats on his beta without any remorse whatsoever. He's just curious about what it would be like to fuck an Omega and disregards all morals and doesn't even think of his beta boyfriend.

Actually, if it was instinct (like couldn't even think straight and being controlled by the pheromones while having no true free will), I wouldn't be as angry tho I would still cuss them. But the mc had clear thinking the entire time, was fully capable of pulling away but he didn't bother. His attitude just seems so careless and crass as if the boyfriend he had been so considerate about and loved never even mattered. What a fucking asshole.
