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My opinion

chii November 14, 2023 2:01 am

it’s a good manga overall and it’s quick to know the hidden shadowing like for example Jinshu being the emperor’s biological little brother (or maybe not but why would he call her mother then in the later chapters?) and figuring out small things like the weak sickly courtesan to be maomao’s mother. what i dont like is the plot for the love life between maomao and jinshu. It’s depicted to be very one-sided and she’s always disgusted by him like yeah she respects him as a person but that doesnt mean that she’s into him and comfortable with what he’s doing. Yeah sure there were parts that were progressing their love life but i took it as 10% progress out of 100 bc most of it was jinshu being affectionate with her and maomao reacting to it negatively. thats not cute thats blatant harrassment since she doesnt like it not see him in that way. Like yeah its gonna slowly burn to her liking him later on but it’s just feels so icky. for example the scene where jinshu is on top of her when theyre in the cave?? Maomao literally was thinking of kicking him off bc how uncomfortable and disturbed she felt. Like yeah she acknowledged that provoking him too hard was a very bad idea but pinning her down??? And then there was an almost kiss scene???? And he even told her “you wanna find out if it’s a frog or not” (ik it wasnt said like this but thats how i summarized it) LIKE HELLO???? But anyways overall the manga’s great, i love the artstyle, and the storyline. i just feel like the love plot is moving too fast one-sidedly on jinshu’s side like there’s no intimate connection between him and maomao. Idrc if they get together or not it’s just rlly weird how the author’s progressing it

    lolzers November 14, 2023 2:29 am

    I personally like that dynamic. As it feels as though it highlights even further how different they are in their upbringing and how that changes the way they perceive things.

    Maomao being indifferent and uncomfortable towards a man is indicative of years of seeing men be violent towards that she develop a disdain towards them, and her being of a low class made her even more alert due to her awareness that no one can actually help her in the case something do happen.

    Jinshi on the other hand was raised with a golden spoon but deprived of certain privelages due to his mothers' way of upbringing. Which results on his current way of acting on his feelings. Bet he doesn't even see or recognize what he is feeling is "love" yet, and there's a chance he is still holding on to maomao because he thinks she's this enigma from the usual treatment that he gets which makes her a breath of fresh hair.

    Overall I wasted a few minutes of my life to defend that their dynamic is just a highlight of them being a part of lower and upperclass. But also cannot deny it is the obvious couple dynamic of one being affectionate and one being cold

    PropertyofChoso November 14, 2023 8:51 am

    I agree ! In terms of entertainment as a reader i do really enjoy the story and their dynamic BUT like you mentioned the cave scene - bc of thier status' poor mao could even kick him off and thus had to endure his actions. We as the readers know of his pure love for her but shes really just a young girl who cant even pick up on his affection. She probs saw that whole cave incident as typical male behavior. Poor girl just wants to study poisons and do her thing. FYI I LIKE THIS STORY VERY MUCH BUT I CANT HELP BUT FEEL FOR MAO MAO ♡ •ε•٥