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rape?? more like prostitution

brookeisnotcreative November 10, 2023 7:44 pm

people calling it rape when kim dan literally agreed to do it and pretty much prostituted himself?

    Heu77 November 10, 2023 9:13 pm

    Rape = no consent, telling you to stop but you keep going
    He agreed to it at first but it didn’t mean Dan could have his way and keep going even when the uke repeatedly told him no.

    TM SM YZ November 10, 2023 9:52 pm

    Dan consenting again.

    asking him to be gentler ....
    Sexual coercion is when a person pressures, tricks, threatens, or manipulates someone into having sex. It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely.

    if you look at the examples of sexual coercion only one is considered rape.

    Sexual assault is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel uncomfortable, frightened or threatened. It can occur when a person is forced, tricked or coerced into sexual behaviour without agreeing to it. 

    Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.

Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.

    The definition of rape literally debunks rape in Jinx. It is sexual assault and sexual coercion and other abusive behavior.
    The ones claiming rape, if genuine are just from first impressions from the first reading and not reading the story in full detail or not understanding the terms they are using. Or something like that.
    However, most on this page are not genuine are only want to stir up drama and troubles. They know they would get responses to harm others to feel better about themselves and only want they degrade others or shame them. Most of them never read the story they get fake summaries from their friends.

    Z3tsu39 November 10, 2023 11:19 pm

    Rape is when one party does not consent at ANY time during intimate moments and the other party still continues anyway with force or coercion. That's the definition of this, "prostitutes" still get raped and taken advantage of when they are just trying to work. Obviously see where your sick head is at with these matters of human rights. This is a story of fiction yes so I shouldn't take it seriously and can just move on from this story but it's brutal to read some of the things people say about the context of this story since it seems to reflect some of the real thoughts of the people behind said comments

    Z3tsu39 November 10, 2023 11:32 pm
    Rape is when one party does not consent at ANY time during intimate moments and the other party still continues anyway with force or coercion. That's the definition of this, "prostitutes" still get raped and ta... Z3tsu39

    Also @TM SM YZ since you have a setting that keeps people from speaking to you I'll just leave this here. You looking for the definition is just so sus to me, I understand you are trying to be factually accurate but come on dude. There are many times when the semester uses his brute strength alone to overpower the uke for his own satisfaction and was never asked permission. Just because they agreed on sex does not mean it's free game for whatever after. Many times the uke has asked him to stop because he is exhausted or even not to have sex in certain locations but was ignored and threatened to do what he wants for his own pleasure. He obviously knows uke is in a situation he can't say no and uses that to his advantage and that is coercion. There is also the basic context clues of watching your partner and if they do not seem on the same page as you and you continue that is considered rape. You cannot read this shit and not see how brutal and uncaring he is to him and that's wild it has to be explained to you

    TM SM YZ November 11, 2023 12:27 am

    : to offer for sexual intercourse in exchange for pay
    Dan prostituted himself out by definition
    He had sex with Jaekyung in exchange for 5 grand.
    Jaekyung wanted SEX. NOT RAPE.

    The second time is a contract relationship. Some will argue that is prostitution but I think it is more than just money, so it is not prostitution.
    I will say this, prostitutes can be raped. Anyone can. Prostitutes need a real job.

    Kim Dan has not been raped. There has been sexual assault, Sexual coercion, abuse, and so on. This story is toxic but only two attempted rapes have happened. Those attempted rapes have not happened by Jaekyung. You are cherry-picking to your pov.
    You know you have lost somewhere bc you are attacking the op and me. When you start attacking and insulting others, you know you have lost in the debate somehow. I find you attacking others more toxic than the story and that is why I blocked you. The story is fake. The OP is REAL! I am REAL.
    I can't take you and your comments seriously as they are only personal attacks expressing how immature and insecure you are in your own opinions that you have to attack others on. You have to attack others to feel more self-righteous that way you can feel better about yourself.

    Can you have a civil conversation without attacking others? Why don't you come back when you can handle a civil conversation? Blocking does not stop the conversation or speaking to me. It just marks you as someone who is a bad-faith actor who can't have a conversation. Look how you talked to me and your last line to me showed I was justified.

    Me, educating people with the definitions is not sus. That was pathetic. Come on dude! Helping others is not sus. What kind of life have you lived when you think helping others understand something is sus?? Wow, that is revealing.

    It is to stop the hate and trivial debate. Look you basically attacked them for being right. What kind of mindset is that? You are now going after me because I proved you wrong. I have read the story multiple times. Your cheap fanfic of it is not going to persuade me from the real story.
    I subscribe to Jinx, not your fanfics.

    You are making invalid points without knowing my thoughts. Why bring up the contract? It seems you only take a line and ran with it instead of looking at the story and what it is saying. Jaekyung did not know of Dan's situation at the beginning and did not use it against him. They are not on the same page. You are not on the same page with Jinx. You can see rape but by definition and what actually happens in the story it is not rape. I stand with the story, not your fanfics. He is brutal but he could be 1000% more brutal. He is not uncaring, what story are you reading?
    It is wild you are explaining your headcanon to me and expecting me to believe that is the details of Jinx while degrading me because you can't handle a civil conversation. I don't need Jinx explained to me. I don't need your headcanon explained to me either. I don't want to read whatever you are describing because I know it is not Jinx.

    Stop attacking and degrading others that are being factual because it makes you wrong. Start handling being wrong better. Then maybe I will unblock you. If I am still here.

    TM SM YZ November 11, 2023 12:30 am to offer for sexual intercourse in exchange for pay prostituted himself out by definit... TM SM YZ

    This started out as a general reply then it went to reply to Z3tsu39. I did not realize that until I hit post and I saw it was not tagged to Z3tsu39.
    lol me: Why was it not tagged to Z3tsu39? me: reads my comment back.. oh whoops lol hehehe

    ADENK November 11, 2023 7:26 am to offer for sexual intercourse in exchange for pay prostituted himself out by definit... TM SM YZ

    I just know you're the sort of person to tell a victim it was their fault or valiantly defend a rapist cus you like them. I won't be surprised if you support johnny depp

    People never go this hard defending fiction from well deserved critique unless it aligns with their irl views or they feel personally attacked by the critique. I suggest you check in with a therapist or ain't and retrospect because this is not a normal response to someone presenting a very valid analysis of the behavior some of you are exhibiting in defense of fiction.

    You're really out here insulting and assuming what people are about while you claim to be attacked yourself by someone who didn't even do anything, and you refused to read their comment so I know you won't read this one too.

    And yes, being a prostitute doesn't give anyone else the right to abuse. Sex workers are already dealing with enough without y'all spreading harmful messaging in the name of “its just fiction”

    TM SM YZ November 11, 2023 8:52 am
    I just know you're the sort of person to tell a victim it was their fault or valiantly defend a rapist cus you like them. I won't be surprised if you support johnny deppPeople never go this hard defending ficti... ADENK

    What a childish comment. Take your own advice, you are the one who needs it with the lying, attacking, and making up things to attack people to feel better about yourself.
    Your comment is abusive and disgusting. You are just talking about yourself. You are projecting. Seek professional help.

    TM SM YZ November 11, 2023 8:56 am
    I just know you're the sort of person to tell a victim it was their fault or valiantly defend a rapist cus you like them. I won't be surprised if you support johnny deppPeople never go this hard defending ficti... ADENK

    Oh thanks for proving my point.
    See my first comment.

    Stop trying to feel better about yourself by degrading others on lies and misinformation. Your comment is more toxic than the story. It is gross. Block until you learn how to be a decent human being and have civil conversation without imposing false accusations or arguments to feel better about yourself. Your comment showed your ignorance and insecurities. Take your advice and seek how to communicate better with others. Stop being toxic.

    TM SM YZ November 11, 2023 9:03 am
    I just know you're the sort of person to tell a victim it was their fault or valiantly defend a rapist cus you like them. I won't be surprised if you support johnny deppPeople never go this hard defending ficti... ADENK

    Z3tsu39 November 11, 2023 1:37 pm
    Rape is when one party does not consent at ANY time during intimate moments and the other party still continues anyway with force or coercion. That's the definition of this, "prostitutes" still get raped and ta... Z3tsu39

    @ TM SM YZ Okay I will take your point that I was attacking, I was worked up when I wrote that and I do agree to have a healthy debate you need to be able to talk to people respectfully and to that point I apologize. However I have read the story too, for me it is like a train wreck I can't look away from. Yes it is a contract relationship which is not an issue for me. If both parties consent to it, that is their prerogative. The thing that makes me ick is how he treats Dan. He has more than once abused the contract between them for his own satisfaction by not listening to Dan's wishes and pleas to stop at certain points. Just because he is paying for his services does not mean he can abuse him how he pleases and in that sense it is rape. Dan never said he would stop with sex because he wants the money but he has been physically exhausted to the point it causing strain on his body and was not taken into consideration and that is uncaring. Even if they aren't dating he is still his sexual partner which means when it comes to the sexual stuff he should have him as a priority to at least make sure that he isn't down right get physically hurt over this. The way you overly defend his actions and try so hard responding to many people over while also insulting everyone else is what makes it sus to me. Because like we have all agreed it is just fiction but the way you defend makes me believe you have strong personal beliefs towards this and that scares me, but my personal opinion you don't have to take to heart. That is my final take on this well, have a nice day.

    -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ- November 11, 2023 7:45 pm
    Rape is when one party does not consent at ANY time during intimate moments and the other party still continues anyway with force or coercion. That's the definition of this, "prostitutes" still get raped and ta... Z3tsu39

    rape is a thing yes that is correct but not completely, rape can be when you're consent changes halfway through, or right as it starts your consent can be revoked at any time actually and once that person continues then it is rape

    -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ- November 11, 2023 7:47 pm
    @ TM SM YZ Okay I will take your point that I was attacking, I was worked up when I wrote that and I do agree to have a healthy debate you need to be able to talk to people respectfully and to that point I apo... Z3tsu39

    genuinely your take on this is amazingly said. honestly I don't fully believe that a lot of the people that read this understand that this story is mostly just made for pornography purposes and not plot wise and that's how a lot of stories are honestly

    Z3tsu39 November 11, 2023 8:16 pm
    rape is a thing yes that is correct but not completely, rape can be when you're consent changes halfway through, or right as it starts your consent can be revoked at any time actually and once that person conti... -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ-

    Yes I agree with you, that is exactly what I meant I just realized I worded it weird. If they agree to have sex and continue and then one party at some point no longer wishes to continue the act or a certain part of the act but is forced to then it is rape. Just reading this forum is maddening sometimes with everything people have to say about this. And I definitely went into it already heated and rude when I should have taken a breath. Just as a human reading a fiction piece like this that basically fetishes rape and falling in love with said rapist is one thing but to have people defend the rapist makes me upset. People can read what they want and that's fine but I kind of draw the line when they try make the said characters seem justified in some kind of sick way that aligns with their own morals. Just wild to me

    TM SM YZ November 11, 2023 8:54 pm
    Yes I agree with you, that is exactly what I meant I just realized I worded it weird. If they agree to have sex and continue and then one party at some point no longer wishes to continue the act or a certain pa... Z3tsu39

    "@ TM SM YZ Okay I will take your point that I was attacking, I was worked up when I wrote that and I do agree to have a healthy debate you need to be able to talk to people respectfully and to that point I apologize. "

    I do appreciate that but is that genuine? Let me show you.

    "However I have read the story too, for me it is like a train wreck I can't look away from." You details are off and are you assuming my stance on the story? Just because you read something does not mean you understand it. There are layers upon layers to understand. You are giving me a few layers and it is not accurate to the real story. You are adding incest to it and degrading me for not seeing it because you are connecting things together in a way it is not meant to be.

    Dan consent and took away consent many times. Do you think I am not upset with how he treats Dan? I am team Dan. You have me all wrong. Of course, anyone would be upset with how he is treating Dan. There is no excusing his toxic behaviors. Why are you putting me in a position like I am? I am only being unbiased toward Jaekyung. You have to take into consideration he plays from sex from many ukes. And many ukes could act that way towards him. He could think Dan is playing a game. I have said many times Dan needs to voice his opinions away from sex. Jaekyung as asked him twice away from the sex. Dan did not speak up. What does that tell you?
    The cry does get on Jaekyung nerves a bit and a certain kind crying Dan does have Jaekyung stops. Did you miss that? Or are you too busy smashing the character to see him as you are too busying talking to your own version of TM SM YZ. You are not talking to me or seeing me. You are not seeing the real story.

    I am fully with this "Just because he is paying for his services does not mean he can abuse him how he pleases" Why did you write that? No it is not rape. It is sexual assault.
    ."Dan never said he would stop with sex because he wants the money but he has been physically exhausted to the point it causing strain on his body and was not taken into consideration and that is uncaring." More of your fanfictions.

    "Even if they aren't dating he is still his sexual partner which means when it comes to the sexual stuff he should have him as a priority to at least make sure that he isn't down right get physically hurt over this." There are many times he has. What story are you reading? You are not going to fool me.

    "The way you overly defend his actions and try so hard responding to many people over while also insulting everyone else is what makes it sus to me."
    This is false. I have no defended his actions. I have not overly did anything. I have not tried so hard responded to many people. I have no insulted anyone either. That would be you, Kori and "You must see rape or your brain dead gang". This was a pathetic. I am just speaking the truth. That is not defending anything. You are imposing an position and false accusations on me. I am not your toy. How can you apologize and then turn around and do it again?

    "Because like we have all agreed it is just fiction but the way you defend makes me believe you have strong personal beliefs towards this and that scares me, but my personal opinion you don't have to take to heart. That is my final take on this well, have a nice day."

    Why do many of you make it real? I want to talk lightly of the story and be unbiased. But I repeatedly get attacked. People that likes this story or likes Jeakyung or being unbiased gets attacked. You must hate it! and I don't live in hate. It is fiction. It is a trivial story. I have not defended the story. I don't have strong personal beliefs towards it. So you apologized to turn around to put me into a position to feel superior and to feel self-righteous. There is nothing about your comments that is self-righteous when you are trying to make something inferior or gaslight them. It is abusive behavior.

    IF you were genuine you would not be trying to make those pathetic hits. That was unstable behavior. You are assuming to much. He is not a rapist but a sexual abuser. Either way, I don't love him. I don't like him. He is dull.
    I don't have a fetish with rape or I would be saying it was rape like you are doing. I am just being ordinary and honesty. I am not defending anything. You are going to great lengths to defend your rape pov.

    Z3tsu39 November 11, 2023 9:38 pm
    @ TM SM YZ Okay I will take your point that I was attacking, I was worked up when I wrote that and I do agree to have a healthy debate you need to be able to talk to people respectfully and to that point I apo... Z3tsu39

    @TM SM YZ
    The apology was genuine, I am sorry I lashed out the first time. I didn't feel good about saying that about you either because like you said I don't really know you as a person. I only have what I can go off on your stance with these characters, and in my opinion it doesn't leave me feeling good because you do overly defend the seme. This isn't some mental breaking story with layers, it's straight up porn material. Which is fine and the story itself, although brutal is fine. The problems lie with how hard you are going trying to force a narrative other people feel about the story in regards to it being rape vs sexual assault which I'm wondering why? If we sit and say okay it's not rape it's sexual assault does that really make it 10x better? Both are awful and can't be compared but for your sake of the narrative we will say it's sexual assault. Now why are you trying so hard to convince everyone else? You are the definition of trying hard. I scroll through every other comment and see you have replied with 3 pages worth and LINKS about the validation of what the seme did or didn't do according to googled definitions. When your nitpicking for such a difference between the two my thought process thinks about is that how you think in real life? If a sex worker or prostitute is getting charged to do work and has a reason they no longer want to continue because family emergency or they are feeling ill but the paying party continues anyway, that isn't rape? Because that is exactly what happens in the context of the story. I understand this is gonna get me nowhere because we obviously think so different but I'm just genuinely curious now where you stand inside your head?

    TM SM YZ November 12, 2023 3:30 am

    I don't overly defend the seme.

    "This isn't some mental breaking story with layers, it's straight up porn material."
    False. Yaoi is not porn. The story has layers. I will not believe lies.

    "The problems lie with how hard you are going trying to force a narrative other people feel about the story in regards to it being rape vs sexual assault which I'm wondering why? "

    False. false. false. I am not forcing anything. You are forcing your pov on me. you may a topic and now target harassing me. Not one time have I forced anything on you. That was sick to claim.

    "If we sit and say okay it's not rape it's sexual assault does that really make it 10x better?"
    Why asked that?

    " Both are awful and can't be compared but for your sake of the narrative we will say it's sexual assault."
    It is not my narrative, you are forcing the story's pov on me.

    "Now why are you trying so hard to convince everyone else?"

    I am not why are you lying?

    "You are the definition of trying hard."
    False. That is how you want to see it when that is not true. that is why you are aiming at me. Disgusting.

    " I scroll through every other comment and see you have replied with 3 pages worth and LINKS about the validation of what the seme did or didn't do according to googled definitions."
    It is called trying to have conversations. try it sometimes. Why attack me on this when kori and you are doing the same thing (without the links). I am not validating the seme. you are changing my comments so you can attack me.

    "When your nitpicking for such a difference between the two my thought process thinks about is that how you think in real life?"
    I am not nitpicking. That was disturbing to read. I have been attacked for being unbiased since July. I have a reason to make a clear distinction between two different things. would you grow up.

    That is not exactly what happens in the context of the story. You will not fool me when I understand Jinx.

    "I understand this is gonna get me nowhere because we obviously think so different" because I stand with facts and the story. You stand with headcanon and trying to force it on others. "but I'm just genuinely curious now where you stand inside your head?"
    Wild. No, you don't. Just look it up or start looking at Jinx deeper. Stop imposing false positions and stop trolling. I am not your toy for amusement.