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captainh23 November 8, 2023 8:51 pm

Season 2 had been really disappointing so far. I feel like the author is grasping at straws trying to come up with a plot. Everyone reading knows that the whole plot would be solved the moment Kibong got involved, so there isn't really any suspense.

    captainh23 November 8, 2023 8:55 pm

    It's fine in Season 1 because there's always more or less simultaneous action. Like Kibong is either fighting alongside the other characters or the other characters are fighting the lackeys while Kibong is dealing with the big boss, but Season 2 had just been the side characters fighting or bickering with each other while Kibong is having a leisurely stroll. So not only does the intrigue doesn't work, the action isn't really working either.