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Sora November 8, 2023 6:05 pm

uh bro dongho is so oblivious its annoying the hell out of me, its like he doesn't know anything at all, he doesn't know that his bf is also mad jealous abt that fucknut 'sunbae'. BRO ALL HE DOES IS FUCKING ACT CUTE AND SHIT HE'S STUPID AAAAAAAA (i also fucking hate that pink haired guy, like bro back tf up, the fucknut sunbae is like fucking dumbshit, he's such a fuckboy) but the ending is cute, it just annoys me that up until know dongho doesn't know that that fucknut sunbae have a crush on him like tf notice it already bruh he be acting so close and shit and you don't even realize that he's flirting w u likes etf
