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quinnea November 8, 2023 3:04 pm

How can y'all say that he was groomed? Their relationship started as fuck buddies and it only deepened when the uke got to know the seme's friends. They didn't see it as grooming since they didn't give a fuck bout the age gap. One literally suggested that they stay together with no sexual shit involved. How is it grooming when both their feelings were balanced? Can someone explain withour stating the obvious: he got raped, etc.

    YaoiObsessed November 9, 2023 10:51 am

    I think it was about him starting with thinking he was just doing something good for someone else, which was a serious thing like sex with an adult when he's a minor. The adult just didn't care about it and had sex with him anyway because of the way it felt. So it's pretty much because he was just manipulated into thinking it was just something good for someone else as if it's not a serious and jail time type of crime

    pennyinheaven November 9, 2023 5:02 pm

    People just throw words at this point. Just because there’s a minor they immediately use the word grooming. It has now become a hip word or something. It’s not grooming but it’s rape to a minor. That’s it.