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Why do I feel like Zeno discovered how he can finally die and he wants to do it together w...

Painterofthenight November 7, 2023 6:21 pm

Why do I feel like Zeno discovered how he can finally die and he wants to do it together with the other dragons because he doesn't want to be left alone again after experiencing their friendship bond maybe he wants to go first so its his turn that others would mourn for him because his tired and wants his journey with Yona and the others his last memory and experience in his lifetime. Like I'd be down with that and like Yona and Hak would be honoring them while ruling the kingdom together.

    Waka waka November 7, 2023 6:33 pm

    Nooooo but the story is sooo far from yuna returning to Castel i don't want it to and like that ( ≧Д≦). (>0<;)