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LMFAO, I think polynesian sex is a made up thing.

Mizu November 3, 2023 9:42 pm

Just fyi from a Poly. I always crack up when I read it. I mean have you seen how huge our families are. Polys are abstaining from nothing! Hahaha… polynesian sex… kukuku

    《Pixel》 November 4, 2023 4:50 am

    I've always wondered why its called that

    lan_sizhui November 4, 2023 5:18 pm
    I've always wondered why its called that 《Pixel》

    Maybe because Polynesia is a group of many islands which are relatively far from each other so it takes a while to get to all of them. In regard to that sex term, it might refer to the "distance" between each session. :D

    Hika November 4, 2023 5:55 pm

    As a Polynesian, this term is so weirdly hilarious and where did the author get this from lmaooooo