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elmischievous November 28, 2016 2:50 pm

I'm a fuckin idiot, can someone please explain on what the hell was that about?

    Kpuff November 28, 2016 5:39 pm

    ya i have no idea whats going on lol halp

    kyouran November 28, 2016 5:56 pm

    I think the manager procured the uke's services so the seme could indulge his strangulation fetish; however, things are getting out of control as it seems that upon realizing the seme's vulnerability, the uke is psychologically/emotionally manipulating the seme. In conclusion, the uke is an emotional sadist and the seme may or may not be a masochist, but he is definitely vulnerable to the uke's manipulationa because of his guilt/inferiority complex. At this point we cannot ascertain whether the uke is emotionally engaged or if he is just taking advantage of the situation to get more money.

    addyliciousyaoi November 28, 2016 6:03 pm
    I think the manager procured the uke's services so the seme could indulge his strangulation fetish; however, things are getting out of control as it seems that upon realizing the seme's vulnerability, the uke i... kyouran

    Totally agree with you on this. I rarely see like the one we have here. As he indulge the seme (as a costumer), I think it's causing the seme to be more attached to him aside from his fear of being left alone. I would really love to see the full force of this side of the uke and how both of them (specially the seme) will deal with it at that point. Who will be actually leading who. It gets exciting all of a sudden.

    Some Danish Chick November 28, 2016 6:57 pm
    I think the manager procured the uke's services so the seme could indulge his strangulation fetish; however, things are getting out of control as it seems that upon realizing the seme's vulnerability, the uke i... kyouran

    that's ho I understood it too, but I don't really think the same is a masochist. this manga suddenly got a lot more interesting with this new chapter.

    elmischievous November 29, 2016 12:46 pm
    I think the manager procured the uke's services so the seme could indulge his strangulation fetish; however, things are getting out of control as it seems that upon realizing the seme's vulnerability, the uke i... kyouran

    huh, that actually made sense. Thanks mate ;)

    Anonymous January 12, 2017 10:13 am
    I think the manager procured the uke's services so the seme could indulge his strangulation fetish; however, things are getting out of control as it seems that upon realizing the seme's vulnerability, the uke i... kyouran

    I think he's both emotionally invested and he wants to get more money.
    I pity the model, but then I don't pity him.
    Ah, it's like he's now addicted to Miyoshi...
    Like being addicted to something where you have to constantly have it.
    When the worst happens, and The model runs out of money/ no longer works/ Miyoshi falls in love with someone/ finds someone else...
    In the end, the model who is starting to depend on his existence will be wrecked beyong goodness... And he wouldn't care. He just gives out that feeling.