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Seoyu is a complicated dude

hunterx2 October 27, 2023 11:11 am

I see some of the negative reactions to him and I just want to say, I feel like he's a great character. He knows that he's flawed. But what else can he do? There's this dude right in front of him, supposedly ready to love him. But he KNOWS that he's hard to love. He's knows that his friend is a hater but he only has like two friends. And he's deathly afraid of being alone.

Also, I feel like Seunghoon could have avoided this whole saga of negative feelings by simply being direct. Like, imagine that you have been lonely, depressed, and unlucky in love for years. Are you just gonna believe your fwb saying they want to marry you and start a family when they haven't even really talked you about their feelings?
