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Tsukkin November 28, 2016 11:01 am

Lately i've been crying for no reason. I don't feel like doing anything, i lost all motivation to do my work. My friends told me to go to doctor, they think i'm start to sound crazy. Have i gone crazy? Honestly i really don't know, help me, help me, help me

    yummyaoi November 28, 2016 11:41 am

    uhh I think seeing a doctor wouldn't be so bad.

    Beansprout November 28, 2016 11:58 am

    Do nothing for an hour.Settle down ...Quiet down,you'll know what is wrong with you.
    But for sure, I can tell you it soon will end too . :"D
    No worries! Hang in there, strong-hearted one♡

    Unorigional Artist November 28, 2016 12:50 pm

    If you feel bad enough go to the doctors but you could be just in a depressed slump relax for about a day sleep on it and the next day force yourself to do something you might feel better

    ~a fucking Potato~ November 28, 2016 12:59 pm

    Take a Break from your Work/Studies for a while and just have a chill day at home! Indulge in your hobbies to have a peace of mind!

    Hope you feel better soon!!

    keito November 28, 2016 1:29 pm

    this has been me all year this year because first yr of uni has been really stressful and competitive. i've broken down so many times due to the stress but honestly, my #1 advice is to let it all out. after crying i usually feel much better. then i talk to my friends/family about my problems and they're usually very comforting and i feel better after talking to them :) rely on others around you. there's also the option of watching anime or reading manga or doing anything you love pretty much! you dont have to be alone to endure the things you're going through. also talking to a doctor is not such a bad idea!! doctors are really empathetic and are good listeners and will do the best they can to help you (i want to be one, explains the stress of this yr haha). or it can be as simple as talking to people online tbh :) its great that you even posted it on here! anyway feel free to talk to me whenever!! i'd love to help :D

    haruxmitty November 28, 2016 1:59 pm

    Just cry until you feel better. Take a break from work and feel free to do what you want.
    But, when you find yourself destructive and not functioning in any aspect, on't hesitate to seek help from friends, counselors, and psychologists.

    helix November 28, 2016 2:03 pm

    If it lasts longer than 2 weeks, seeing a doctor is a good option.
    Is it like constant, or are there moments you feel better? How about sleeping? Physical symptoms? You may want to check out the list of depression symptoms. Don't ignore it.

    Don't worry, you're not crazy, many people go through the same. There's nothing to be ashamed of. If you need to talk about it, find someone trustworthy and empathetic.

    Anoness November 28, 2016 2:26 pm

    Chill, relax and listen to music.. It'll hopefully sooth you down :)

    kyaaa November 28, 2016 3:05 pm

    if you can go somewhere, anywhere for a day to empty your head.

    and just for this day just relax and don't think, if you can call a friend to complain about everything, cry.

    and if you think you need to go see a doctor then go, it helps a lot of poeple but don't think you sunod crazy, it happens to everyone o be depressed, so try to relax, okay?

    Tsukkin November 28, 2016 3:33 pm
    If it lasts longer than 2 weeks, seeing a doctor is a good option. Is it like constant, or are there moments you feel better? How about sleeping? Physical symptoms? You may want to check out the list of depress... helix

    I think it's pretty constant, i cried almost everyday, even when i'm not thinking about sad things and lately i have insomnia, i can't sleep easily like i used to

    Tsukkin November 28, 2016 3:37 pm
    this has been me all year this year because first yr of uni has been really stressful and competitive. i've broken down so many times due to the stress but honestly, my #1 advice is to let it all out. after cry... keito

    Same with me, i've been struggling with college this year. Thanks for the advice btw

    Tsukkin November 28, 2016 3:40 pm

    Thanks for the advice everyone!! It really helpful, now i'm feeling better than before

    helix November 28, 2016 3:43 pm
    I think it's pretty constant, i cried almost everyday, even when i'm not thinking about sad things and lately i have insomnia, i can't sleep easily like i used to Tsukkin

    So these are some of depression symptoms. I'm not a specialist, I won't tell you if that's it, but it's reasonable to go see a psychologist (or at least a GP), especially to do sth about your insomnia - it only makes your condition worse.
    In depression you don't need a reason to cry, it's just a state of your brain. It's not like you choose to be this way.
    Also take vitamin D (D3 + K2 would be preferable) as it's a natural antidepressant.

    If you need to talk or want to know more you can send me a message.

    Tsukkin November 28, 2016 3:48 pm
    So these are some of depression symptoms. I'm not a specialist, I won't tell you if that's it, but it's reasonable to go see a psychologist (or at least a GP), especially to do sth about your insomnia - it only... helix

    Omg thanks really, i think i should go to psychologist but first i need to talk with my parents about this ╥﹏╥

    it's Complicated November 28, 2016 3:52 pm

    You know what? Get hyper!!! Drink all the coffee you have. Watch sad movies until you cries bucket!eat sweets,candy and ice cream until you sick of horror films in the late night with your trusted friends and scream until your lungs break. Play your favourite songs and dance like crazy in your bathroom.
    That's how I relief stress sometimes.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    helix November 28, 2016 3:53 pm
    Omg thanks really, i think i should go to psychologist but first i need to talk with my parents about this ╥﹏╥ Tsukkin

    No problem. Yeah, talking to your parents would be good. The worst thing is to keep it for yourself, it won't take you anywhere. And it's better to act quickly, when you still want to do sth about it.
    Remember, you're not alone. There are many people who care about you and will help you. And this can happen to anyone, it's not your fault.

    Tsukkin November 28, 2016 4:06 pm
    You know what? Get hyper!!! Drink all the coffee you have. Watch sad movies until you cries bucket!eat sweets,candy and ice cream until you sick of horror films in the late night with your trusted fr... it's Complicated

    It looks fun the way you describe it, thanks!! I'll try later

    it's Complicated November 29, 2016 3:34 am
    It looks fun the way you describe it, thanks!! I'll try later Tsukkin

    Seriously you should do that. It really shows that " I'm STRESS!!!!! FUCK OF PEOPLE!!!"
    hahahaha.alright .hope you feel better soon. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ