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Nita_7 October 23, 2023 1:43 am

How in the world is this actually getting worse? All we're seeing is how much abuse Dan is going through. Like idc what yall say, but this has to be some sort of mental abuse. It's so bad that Dan thinks it's his fault when Jk slashes at him. I knew this wasn't going to be a lighthearted story but man, idk how the redemption arc is gonna go. Doesn't seem too good to me. And I swear if we get a pitiful back story, that shit is not going to make it up. No one deserves this. Like I don't even want to see them romantically together. I'm just hoping karma bites Jk in the ass and that Dan can be happy.

    Nita_7 October 23, 2023 1:46 am

    At this point I'm deadass praying for his downfall.