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for that person

dudewhatlmao October 22, 2023 5:22 pm

how are you gonna tell me i'm fucked up for a random ass comment then block me for responding?

oh my goddddddd you're purposefully not getting it. i explained multiple times that the point of sexual fantasies is that you wouldn't do it fr and it just can't be done and you still don't get it bro you're just willingly obtuse at this point. if rape kink is your ick then click away. literally nobody is making you stay, and you're weird as fuck for telling me to keep my shit to myself when this is 2d porn and nothing i say will ever make it real and tangible. you telling me that what i fantasize about is nasty IS policing. it's only fucked up when i say what i said to an actual real life rape victim, but here, it's framed in a nonserious light and i will treat it like such.

look, i don't like teacher-student relationships. i will click away for the great majority of those plots and forget that they exist. the only reason why we're arguing right now is because YOU can't protect your own peace and YOU have to jump in and tell people that they commit thoughtcrimes. i didn't tag you, i didn't break into your house and force you to read this BL. i made a random comment and went to brush my teeth, but you wanted to open a can of worms anyway even tho you said it yourself that rape brings a tick to you. normal people don't fixate on what they hate, and i'm not responsible for keeping what's going on in my head clean and squeaky for you. get a hobby dude

    yourmineꨄ October 22, 2023 11:06 pm

    So you’re making rape a kink now? and I didn’t say for you to keep stuff to yourself Im talking about everyone who likes rape. Yes I might be policing you because the fact you like rape, and yes I did open a can of ‘worms’ that’s just me stating my opinion that the fact that you like rape and would’ve done worse and other people are normalizing rape. And the only reason im only getting mad about you liking rape or anyone that likes rape because I’ve been hurt multiple times so when people say “oh this is so hot” or cute or any type of commitment like that it’s just fucked up because you don’t know the feeling and the aftermath of being rape feels like.

    yourmineꨄ October 22, 2023 11:07 pm
    So you’re making rape a kink now? and I didn’t say for you to keep stuff to yourself Im talking about everyone who likes rape. Yes I might be policing you because the fact you like rape, and yes I did open ... yourmineꨄ

    And I do have a hobbies, you should find a hobby that doesn’t contain liking rape or fantasize raping someone.

    yourmineꨄ October 22, 2023 11:11 pm

    And yes I blocked you because I didn’t wanted to argue anymore with you, but you wanted to commented more and started to act like a child.

    dudewhatlmao October 23, 2023 1:19 am
    So you’re making rape a kink now? and I didn’t say for you to keep stuff to yourself Im talking about everyone who likes rape. Yes I might be policing you because the fact you like rape, and yes I did open ... yourmineꨄ

    dude rape kink has been a thing since forever, both rape victims and people who have never been raped can have it, and it's indulged in with clear communication and consent. it's not my business how you're affected by it, i'm not gonna tell you to move on or partake in the kink. my issue is that you didn't click away like you're supposed to when you encounter something triggering, you just keep jumping in and making yourself feel worse for it. you keep chewing on the notion that i would've done worse when i Literally Can Not, then say shit about normalizing rape when it's already normalized. just learn how to distinguish between fiction and reality dude. please.

    i wanted to get shit off my chest because you and others like you irk me for a long time now, so i made the comment and logged out. but again it's YOUR decision to check on this BL again even though you hate the plot and see my comment, then unblocking me so you can reply to me. or maybe you clicked on my profile to see my comment history! who knows, but i do know that you could've just moved on but you didn't, and now you're mad that someone you disagree with still harbors the same opinions. it's very odd, and no matter how fucked up you may think i am, a fixation on something you hate isn't very normal behavior.

    yourmineꨄ October 23, 2023 2:18 am
    dude rape kink has been a thing since forever, both rape victims and people who have never been raped can have it, and it's indulged in with clear communication and consent. it's not my business how you're affe... dudewhatlmao

    Even when I block you I still see a notification so there’s no point to block you, and you’re still fighting even tho I said I didn’t wanted to argue anymore.

    yourmineꨄ October 23, 2023 2:26 am
    dude rape kink has been a thing since forever, both rape victims and people who have never been raped can have it, and it's indulged in with clear communication and consent. it's not my business how you're affe... dudewhatlmao

    But it’s whatever I still won’t change my mind on what I said so stop trying to fight with me that it’s okay to like rape, it’s not, but I that’s your opinion even though you like that fucked up shit and said you would’ve done worse, do you I’m not trying to fight with you still so quit trying to put your 2 sense into my comments because I’m done so again stop putting the last word in because it still won’t change my mind.

    yourmineꨄ October 23, 2023 3:02 am
    dude rape kink has been a thing since forever, both rape victims and people who have never been raped can have it, and it's indulged in with clear communication and consent. it's not my business how you're affe... dudewhatlmao

    Oh and one more thing before I mute the notifications, how do I have not a normal behavior? Do you not know what rape is? Like really, to have a fantasy about raping a guy and especially liking it… does that seem like a normal behavior? Like seriously and me saying that I don’t like that type of fantasy is not normal? Bro are you even reading your messages?

    rack October 23, 2023 3:18 pm
    dude rape kink has been a thing since forever, both rape victims and people who have never been raped can have it, and it's indulged in with clear communication and consent. it's not my business how you're affe... dudewhatlmao

    its not a KINK its called mental illness! Ur glorifying rape by literally using a brutal situation for PLEASURE during intercourse. If you’ve been sa’d and by result you gain this, UNHEALTHY COPING MECHANISM, not a kink.. you need to find a way to get better and find healthier ways to cope. Many young women get raped, im pretty sure you’ve heard abt the 97%.. when this “kink” is being used for PLEASURE.. its a fucking slap in the face.. dont u dare call it a kink u need serious help if thats ur “kink”

    rack October 23, 2023 3:22 pm
    So you’re making rape a kink now? and I didn’t say for you to keep stuff to yourself Im talking about everyone who likes rape. Yes I might be policing you because the fact you like rape, and yes I did open ... yourmineꨄ

    im sorry u have to deal w this bs… they’re mentally ill lmao rape shouldn’t be arousing nor should it be called a fucking KINK how messed up in the head do u have to be to confidently call that a kinkkkkk LMAOOOOO like someone please grab them a straitjacket!!

    dudewhatlmao October 23, 2023 8:19 pm
    its not a KINK its called mental illness! Ur glorifying rape by literally using a brutal situation for PLEASURE during intercourse. If you’ve been sa’d and by result you gain this, UNHEALTHY COPING MECHANIS... rack

    bro has never heard about bdsm and all the other crazy shit people get off to. honestly, i do recommend researching how consensual non-consent (aka rapekink) helps in processing and recontextualizing trauma. other stuff like daddy kink also plays into it as well. the human brain can heal in amazing ways, and the 'serious help' many people need is in fact cnc. very fascinating stuff

    rack October 23, 2023 8:32 pm

    me get a hobby?? ok says the one with a rape kink!! im saying this as someone who has been sexually assaulted! its not fun and its not cute. again.. its not a kink.. race/age play isnt a kink ur racist/pedo if you partake in those “kinks”… and you…well i hope u have fun in life.. maybe yr fucked up “kink” will lead you to actually hurting someone..

    rack October 23, 2023 8:39 pm
    bro has never heard about bdsm and all the other crazy shit people get off to. honestly, i do recommend researching how consensual non-consent (aka rapekink) helps in processing and recontextualizing trauma. ot... dudewhatlmao

    bro have u ever actually taken psychology.. no it doesnt fucking “heal” your brain is desensitizes it… and idk if u know but thats not exactly healthy or can referred to as “healed”. CNC does not help.. it fucks with your brain.. its crucial for sexual assault survivors to focus on healing, which often involves therapy, support, and a SAFE environment….engaging in activities that could potentially blur the lines between consensual and non-consensual behavior can be counterproductive and detrimental to their recovery process. prioritizing consent, communication, and emotional well-being is essential in any sexual relationship, especially for those who have experienced trauma…. please be fr

    dudewhatlmao October 23, 2023 9:15 pm
    bro have u ever actually taken psychology.. no it doesnt fucking “heal” your brain is desensitizes it… and idk if u know but thats not exactly healthy or can referred to as “healed”. CNC does not help... rack

    i'm not arguing about semantics with you over the word "heal" when i assume you know for a fact that healing is a process that can take a lifetime and trauma doesn't just go away like a broken leg. i never said it's the 100% best mode of recovery, no singular treatment is, and i completely agree with your point on what sexual assault victims need. but depending on the person, cnc can be a part of the healing process and can help the victim regain control over their body. after all, the elements crucial in any sexual relationship that you mentioned are crucial to cnc as well, communication and consent being the most important. bdsm in general prioritizes giving participants a safe space to do what they want and has a a zero-tolerance policy for people who disregard consent. we can discuss more about it if you want, it's an interesting topic.

    rack October 23, 2023 9:49 pm
    i'm not arguing about semantics with you over the word "heal" when i assume you know for a fact that healing is a process that can take a lifetime and trauma doesn't just go away like a broken leg. i never said... dudewhatlmao

    of course its well known that the concept of cnc has existed long before it was given a name..throughout history people engaged in sexual acts that were often disturbing and concerning.. i can empathize with someone considering cnc if they've experienced a traumatic event like sexual assault, as they might be searching for a way to cope. however its crucial to note that CNC is not a healthy coping mechanism and I hope for everyone who uses it to find more constructive methods to heal.. my passion and concern about cnc stem from its recent surge in popularity on social media, where it's being normalized as a coping mechanism. Encouraging survivors of sexual assault to turn to cnc is worrisome. As a survivor myself, I fear that this trend could prevent individuals.. specifically young ones.. from moving beyond their traumas, constantly reminding them of their past experiences.

    dudewhatlmao October 23, 2023 10:05 pm

    oh yeah definitely, cnc is something even hardcore kinksters are iffy about and definitely not for the faint of heart. i'm not encouraging people to turn to cnc, since again it's a difficult play to navigate and it does explore some murky boundaries. that's why i emphasized communication, since a thorough understanding of the play and what you want out of it is important. but demonizing cnc isn't the way to go, especially since people generally and sexual assault victims specifically already feel so much shame and guilt about sex and their own desires. they should be allowed a safe space to partake in it, following all the necessary precautions and knowing full well that they can stop at any moment, which is the key difference between cnc and actual rape.

    i agree with your point about young people, but that means we'd be censoring most of adult content, doesn't it? i will assume you mean minors and not just adults in their twenties. adult material and subject matters are adult because minors are impressionable and not knowledgable enough. minors shouldn't be consuming explicit sexual content in the first place, let alone any content that even broaches the topic of cnc.

    rack October 23, 2023 10:17 pm
    oh yeah definitely, cnc is something even hardcore kinksters are iffy about and definitely not for the faint of heart. i'm not encouraging people to turn to cnc, since again it's a difficult play to navigate an... dudewhatlmao

    obviously minors shouldn’t be looking at content like that but im almost positive a minor who has been raped will go to social media or the internet to learn how they can cope with their assault and it’ll be thing is kink shaming is valid.. its not that difficult to not partake in a sexual act because its borderline inhumane.. its not life threatening.. you don’t NEED to partake in cnc, age play, race play etc. this may seem far fetched but since im so into psychology i will never stand by stuff like this.. lets think of a heterosexual relationship where the woman is into cnc and introduces it to her husband and hes so quick to get with it and it insanely turns him on.. thats so concerning to me that u can find such a brutal act that people go through everyday and turn it into something pleasurable and arousing.. and i know i know consent is involved but its soo odd its so odd and i cannot be convinced otherwise.

    dudewhatlmao October 23, 2023 10:18 pm

    i didn't know about the surge of cnc in social media, but that just means that social media is doing what it does best: misrepresenting an issue. touchy subjects being popularized or going "viral" have the common trait of being discussed by people who know little about said subjects, and that's how we still get arguments about whether neurodivergency actually exists in the year of our lord 2023. the same thing likely happened with cnc, kinda like the fallout of 50 shades of grey.

    the point i'm trying to make is: anything can be a horrible coping mechanism. vanilla, non-kinky sex can be a horrible coping mechanism. running at 6 am can be a horrible coping mechanism. trying to maintain a healthy diet can turn into an ED. so i'm not trying to "prescribe" cnc to people willy nilly, but i am trying to say that it can help when you know what you're doing. when you actually want to try it with someone you trust, when you both do your research and take days and weeks and months to discuss and plan it. saying that cnc is overall a horrible coping mechanism doesn't help people with their complex emotions about the subject at all.

    rack October 23, 2023 10:32 pm
    i didn't know about the surge of cnc in social media, but that just means that social media is doing what it does best: misrepresenting an issue. touchy subjects being popularized or going "viral" have the comm... dudewhatlmao

    I understand how cnc can be empowering like having control over the situation that once traumatized you but then u just go on being reminded of it and that just not healthy to repetitively do that. its iffy to call cnc a coping mechanism when its so flawed on both ends.. its VERY controversial because at the end of the day we are all separate individuals with our own brain.. but i would recommend something like exposure therapy to help survivors confront their trauma in a controlled and safe manner while not the same as CNC this concept demonstrates how confronting trauma can sometimes be part of the healing process. i cant say im right because no one can be right in this circumstance some argue that reenacting trauma in any form, even consensually, may be retraumatizing for some individuals. its essential to acknowledge that this is a contentious issue

    dudewhatlmao October 23, 2023 10:38 pm
    obviously minors shouldn’t be looking at content like that but im almost positive a minor who has been raped will go to social media or the internet to learn how they can cope with their assault and it’ll b... rack

    never said anything about needing to partake in kinks. what i said is that people do turn to it and it can help. your issue is that you already have a fundamental dislike for extreme plays, bc that's what bdsm and cnc are: sexual extreme sports. here's an example. so many people die every year from falling off of cliffs and tall buildings, whether it be by accident or on purpose, and most of us have an innate fear of falling to our deaths. so why is bungee jumping so popular? why is skydiving a popular item on people's bucket lists? because we know that there are safety precautions and that we can try a near-death experience and walk away from it unharmed (the majority of the time). same thing goes with bdsm and cnc, and i talk about bdsm you gotta accept that first before cnc. you don't, so we're not even in the same book, forget getting on the same page lmao.

    i don't know what you're trying to get at with your example bc while cnc is popular with straight women, it's often enjoyed all across the board with all genders and sexualities. so what if the man is excited? shouldn't that be even more reason for them both to partake in the kink now that they have the consent of both parties? it would only be an issue if he disregards safe words and consent, but then it's not cnc anymore. it's just rape. since you're into psychology, you should do more research on the psychology of bdsm, cnc, and other plays that often stem from societal ills like feminization.

    dudewhatlmao October 23, 2023 10:48 pm
    I understand how cnc can be empowering like having control over the situation that once traumatized you but then u just go on being reminded of it and that just not healthy to repetitively do that. its iffy to ... rack

    yeah it's a contentious issue, we're 20+ replies in and still reaching no conclusion. and i agree with this reply, bc i really am not trying to say that cnc is good for everybody. the frequency of participation in the kink varies depending on the person, so someone can try it out 1-3 times before confirming that they're now at a different stage in their healing process and would like to do something else. that's how it is for everything. what you're describing is just, like you said, a bad coping mechanism, while i'm trying to assure you that it's not the only thing cnc is good for. it being bad for someone doesn't mean it's bad for everyone. i like cnc, you don't, that's ok. but generalizations aren't helpful.