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justice for jooin

Shawnie October 20, 2023 10:47 pm

my guy has been miserable af damn near this entire story . yahwi has been treating jooin like shit for 70 chapters & gets all woe is me with his back story and is forcing jooin to deal with him like get your head out of your ass . meanwhile cain has zero backstory so far outside of his family claims he's mentally ill for believing he was a dog in his past life we dont know jack shit about him except he loves jooin and treats him well nut WHAT ELSE. WHO IS HE?!?!?! lol FFS rip the band aid off at this point shit is dragging and its too late to drop I've already invested my time & emotion lol where are the quality seme's???

    Gojoisbabe October 20, 2023 11:12 pm

    Fr like it’s hella obvious yahwi only bringing his past now to tie jooin to him and make him pity him and shit, he trying to just his actions by bringing up his past but jooin is smart for not falling for it he knows he hasn’t changed at all

    Shawnie October 20, 2023 11:32 pm

    EXACTLY! talking about 'I love you' how & where !? In an alternate universe ?? He irks me so bad lol