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This mahwa still exist?

Shiki October 20, 2023 7:45 am

Is this still on going? Dropped this long ago just to come curiously check today, and author making money on nothing-has-changed story :
- Uke still angry and playing with them (bro when was the last time u saw that piece oftrash smile?).
- Proud cat Seme became pathetic (and nothing changes for the stubborn ukelele).
- Blond dog Seme still acting like uke's his (worse character intro, just spawns in story like poóp and everyone likes him, like bro listen he's a pnj, his role is to give yahwi a hard time coz in the end we all know how it's gonna end), this is not a love triangle no, alwfuly written.

- U can drop this ez and come back just for the final chap, u won't miss anything.

    Kdjssluttywaist October 20, 2023 10:23 am

    EXACTLYYYY the whole Cain being a dog,master that shit is messed up