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I like Miyabi's story the best! I read once in Naked in death that we have sex because we...

Meliora October 18, 2023 2:10 pm

I like Miyabi's story the best!

I read once in Naked in death that we have sex because we either Like it or Hate it (Sex should be something you enjoy and not some chore when we do it)

I like Miyabi, because out of all of the Uke's I saw (Outside of this Manga) he is the only one who has an expression of actually liking sex and it makes him feel at ease. Some Uke use sex like it's a sort of repentance and that setting is no longer appealing to so it just feels wrong. The seme is also good, because just by seeing Miyabi's expression he already knows that Miyabi is not doing it because he hates himself, but because he loves doing it (He did not drop the phrase "You should treasure yourself more, because he knows that Miyabi is not punishing himself).

Overall it was a good read!
