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Silver_Moon789 October 14, 2023 9:12 pm

like holy shit the backstory is ngl way more interesting than whatever the present day stuff is. The og mc is so interesting I kinda wish the current mc wasn't switched in. He's like 10 but his schemes don't lose out to the main strategist like kinda impressive. But also like, does anyone remember if hyoong noh, black + white hair dude, fist dude, and the assassin appear in the present day? Because I like, straight up do not remember after so long. I remember the black and white hair dude was in there somewhere but cannot remember where, when, or why.

I'm wondering if tho if anyone other than the poison hall master remained like loyal to og mc? Like that white + black aired dude, fist fighter dude, assassin guy (im so sorry i do not remember their names and do not plan on going back to search them up again). Like, press f if the assassin dude is just dead already, or maybe he's how the MC ended up reincarnating into og mcs body with his connection to the dragon squad or whatever it was? Like this makes me so curious how the past ties with the present.

    Silver_Moon789 October 14, 2023 9:15 pm

    also, get og mc therapy in whatever afterlife he ended up in. mans life was threatened literally upon birth no wonder he was kinda crazy, even if he did them for actual reasons most of the time.

    Paola November 2, 2023 10:56 am

    Damn, how many "Like"s do you have in your paragraph?, Like this, like that.

    Brie1837 November 6, 2023 3:35 am

    Yes the black/white hair dude is the guy with a full head of white in the present.