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Axk November 24, 2016 3:18 am

I stumbled across this manga because of another one of the author's works and I think it's okay. Nothing amazing or stunning. But it seems like it was the author's first comic so that makes sense.

Although I liked the idea, it was quite borng to be honest. I read up to chapter 40 I believe then really was not interested in reading more arcs since it was just... eh. I read the last few chapters and it was meh too.

The art style reminds me a lot of other korean webtoons but I think the one thing this comic was missing was a strong cast of characters. If you compare these characters to any other manga like One Piece or Naruto, the distinct difference is the characters from this story don't grab you. They just don't seem like real people, they seem like the author's pawns and do things that are convinient for the story line. There also isn't a distinct line of development and so the characters personalities seem to jump around a bit. Like if we talk about the strong, kind, handsome childhood friend - Ryun - he was so boring.

None of the characters even remotely touched me which is why I simply could not bring myself to care about the plot because okay, that characters dead or whatever, his death didn't really invoke any feelings for me.

Maybe it would've happened if I had read on for another 60 chapters but I couldn't force myself to.

I think it's similar to Black Haze, which is another korean webtoon that has a interesting idea. But Black Haze has better development and better characters over all.

So do I recommend reading this? Um. I mean you can try it. It's an easy enough read but I definitely won't ever be re-reading this. Though it's not bad enough for me to not recommend it. It's simply a story that has no impact so I can't really have an opinion!
