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MimzyMimic October 14, 2023 3:10 am

Honestly the way the storyline is going I'm sure we are about to get a big break. Its either he'll lose the match or our uke's grandma passes away- (not that I want that because she's adorable) but its gonna take a major hit on the main couple and I'm just sitting back waiting for it.

    Prince_Genai October 14, 2023 3:21 am

    I don’t want Doc to suffer more, but if the story needs to make Jaekyung lose badly, take his anger out on Doc RIGHT AFTER his grandma dies which leads Doc to therefore blowup on him, give him a much needed reality check, hopefully smash a lamp over his head or something, and force him out of his life (probably will end up staying with the actor dude), leaving Jaekyung alone and at his lowest… I’m just gonna have to be okay with that.

    MimzyMimic October 14, 2023 3:26 am
    I don’t want Doc to suffer more, but if the story needs to make Jaekyung lose badly, take his anger out on Doc RIGHT AFTER his grandma dies which leads Doc to therefore blowup on him, give him a much needed r... Prince_Genai

    Right because that scene right there that you just painted sounds like something that could happen. Especially if both events happen that really fuck with the main couple mental state (more on Dan's part because grandma is literally his only family and he's endured EVERYTHING up until this point for HER) then it is what it is. Jaekyung is really gonna get hit with a reality check 101+102 when it comes to certain interactions, he already got a small warning from the little outburst this chapter so what's one more reality check in the balls for him. This time in the form of losing your said jinx+main love interest and losing your fight. I would feel pretty damn wounded.

    Prince_Genai October 14, 2023 3:35 am
    Right because that scene right there that you just painted sounds like something that could happen. Especially if both events happen that really fuck with the main couple mental state (more on Dan's part becaus... MimzyMimic

    Exactly. Preferably, Docs grandma is fine, gets out the hospital, gets a cute place to put her china cabinet in and lives for a bit until she passes peacefully in her sleep with Dan by her side having already accepted it, and by that time, all the guys in the gyms have already found out what he’s been doing to Dan and they beat the ever loving shit out of him and he gets kicked out the gym after having lost all his fans and investors for getting absolutely obliterated in the fight… and potato spits on him crying about how he’s a monster he never should’ve looked up to……… :)

    But that’s just my personal dream lmfao

    MimzyMimic October 14, 2023 3:41 am
    Exactly. Preferably, Docs grandma is fine, gets out the hospital, gets a cute place to put her china cabinet in and lives for a bit until she passes peacefully in her sleep with Dan by her side having already a... Prince_Genai

    Haha honestly either thing could go for us honestly. Let's see what happens because at this point I'm observing to see what happens. Usually in scene changes, you get something that happens majorly so we will see what's going to happen