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This was quite sweet, not as good as some of the later ones I think, but a good introducti...

Paranmaru January 23, 2013 3:13 pm

This was quite sweet, not as good as some of the later ones I think, but a good introduction to what will become the Rules series

    Loverly January 25, 2013 12:13 am

    Could you elaborate? What is the Rules series?

    tiggipi February 1, 2013 2:07 pm

    Loverly, Rules is a series of mangas, and this one, Please, is the first.

    Go look at the manga Kiss (same mangaka). There is a list near the beginning of the chapter that gives the names of the mangas and tells the order in which they're supposed to be read. :)

    tiggipi February 1, 2013 2:10 pm

    (Just for clarification, the list of mangas is on page 5 of Kiss, not in the description.)

    lividangel May 22, 2018 12:39 pm
    Could you elaborate? What is the Rules series? @Loverly