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Do people actually enjoy reading jinx in a "relationship" sense?

Rue October 6, 2023 11:33 am

I read only the early chapter but whenever someone mention jinx, its always about how toxic and shitty the seme is so im just wondering if its enjoyable...?

    Luelle October 6, 2023 11:37 am

    No, absolutely not. Stop yourself right now. Don't even think about reading it because you're curios.

    i love pussies October 6, 2023 11:57 am

    jinx is hyped, nice artwork and seggs but no jinx is fcked up man surely people that read or like it only there for dick

    No one October 6, 2023 12:04 pm


    Colorful_Lemon October 6, 2023 2:23 pm

    If you only shut your brain while reading it you probably found it enjoyable. Honestly, the Manhwa is on a nutshell. The only reason why it's on hype is because of the Art style and the influence of the popularity of BJ alex

    ☆♡ sankaime ♡☆ October 6, 2023 2:36 pm

    I mean it basically has no plot & characters but you can read it if you like to experience different things in life, here the experience i personally have is seeing a person (the author) do the worst & then how they'll take on the consequences. Like i always read it just bc I'm curious as to how the author is going to unscrew this screwed & fucked up mess.

    If you are capable of saying 'ah, who cares. I just wanna see the how things go' then you should go read it. It's definitely a one time experience since we do have bad plots but having none is smth unique