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Mirra October 6, 2023 12:56 am

Yall please dont bring discourse in the uploads, do that somewhere else lol. Js read and upload in peace. Lyk im js reading so im not on any side. I js think its petty and lowkey annoying to see arguments interrupt my reading. And i only saw 2 or 3 ppl say he was a child and it looks like everyone else dogpilling and repeating the same thing. Hm just my perspective (=・ω・=)

    Yoshida’s Chaperone October 6, 2023 12:42 am

    Nah they need to bring discourse into the uploads, bc people are making accusations where there needn't be.

    Mirra October 6, 2023 12:44 am
    Nah they need to bring discourse into the uploads, bc people are making accusations where there needn't be. Yoshida’s Chaperone

    Yk damn well they can do it somewhere else + why does it concern others js read and ignore

    Yoshida’s Chaperone October 6, 2023 12:47 am
    Yk damn well they can do it somewhere else + why does it concern others js read and ignore Mirra

    Because they'll probably dissuade people from enjoying this really good story bc they lack reading comprehension. As someone who likes this manhwa a lot, criticisms based on shit that's not even true irritates me.

    hangesimp88 October 6, 2023 2:06 am

    its at the very end of the chapter YOU r the one that chose to read the note instead of leaving nothings interrupting your reading babe

    Kuru-Chan October 6, 2023 2:14 am

    Bc ppl were attacking the uploaders and being toxic in the comments and forcing others to think their way? There's nothing wrong with calling out bullshit, so many ppl (who are prob minors) lack simple comprehension and media literacy. I've seen many other uploaders on other mangas call out ppl from the comments before, this is a common thing. Seems u haven't read that many manga before if u didn't know. Also, it's literally at the very end of the chapter, u could've skipped it...

    Mirra October 6, 2023 2:56 am
    its at the very end of the chapter YOU r the one that chose to read the note instead of leaving nothings interrupting your reading babe hangesimp88

    Is that the only part u hung up on?

    Mirra October 6, 2023 2:58 am
    Bc ppl were attacking the uploaders and being toxic in the comments and forcing others to think their way? There's nothing wrong with calling out bullshit, so many ppl (who are prob minors) lack simple comprehe... Kuru-Chan

    Lol i have no reason to believe u thst ppl are attacking the uploader for a story they didn't create. And yall are just repeating the same thing over and over again. We get it, the dude isnt a child

    Mirra October 6, 2023 3:04 am
    Bc ppl were attacking the uploaders and being toxic in the comments and forcing others to think their way? There's nothing wrong with calling out bullshit, so many ppl (who are prob minors) lack simple comprehe... Kuru-Chan

    Another thing, i only saw like 2 comments saying hes a child and ppl dogpiled on them. So nobody is forcing nothing. And same thing to yall too. Yall couldve just ignored the hyo un(??) Is a child thing but naw yall js spammed the comments saying the same thing. Its not like i care but im js proving my point. Shrugs

    Fujoshi2Deep October 6, 2023 4:30 am

    No cause I completely agree. It's gotten out of hand, and unfortunately the uploader note lit the fire for discourse. Doing it publicly really gave people the ok to dogpile and forced so many eyes on the issue.

    Theres a line between solving an issue, and pointing it out to the wrong community. And in this case, a lot of people just took it and ran.

    I agree there shouldn't be people berating and attacking anyone for anything, especially in the BL community. And it goes both ways. Plus many of us do not share a direct correlation of what occurs in BL. So at this point, it's just arguing over opinions. People really took the opportunity to just say mean stuff.

    Caos October 6, 2023 5:09 am

    There were way more than 2 or 3 people lol

    Caos October 6, 2023 5:10 am
    There were way more than 2 or 3 people lol Caos

    You had to be there , there were at least 20 people talking about it. If you don’t like what they had to say don’t read the story

    Caos October 6, 2023 5:17 am
    Lol i have no reason to believe u thst ppl are attacking the uploader for a story they didn't create. And yall are just repeating the same thing over and over again. We get it, the dude isnt a child Mirra

    They actually were and this one Fiya person went nuts but their comment was deleted.

    Here was Ju’s reply tho (-:

    Jujucat October 6, 2023 5:29 am

    This is funny.
    You think I would have the energy to make a note if it wasn’t necessary???
    I have almost 100 uploads and I had to force myself to make the note to clarify because I knew people would go bat shit in the comments again.
    You only see 2 or 3 people because the comments were reporting for harassment considering they violated mangago guidelines.
    Also, the note was at the end of the chapter, noone held your eyes open and forced you to read it.
    Stop talking as if you were in my position. Pfft.

    Jujucat October 6, 2023 5:31 am
    No cause I completely agree. It's gotten out of hand, and unfortunately the uploader note lit the fire for discourse. Doing it publicly really gave people the ok to dogpile and forced so many eyes on the issue.... Fujoshi2Deep

    “Gotten out of hand” not even close.
    People are glad I sad something because people were fighting people in the comments over a damn manhwa

    Mirra October 6, 2023 9:08 am
    This is funny.You think I would have the energy to make a note if it wasn’t necessary??? I have almost 100 uploads and I had to force myself to make the note to clarify because I knew people would go bat shit... Jujucat

    Lol go live ur delusions man. And same thing goes to you. No one held ur eyes open to look at the the hateful comments unless they actually messaged u abt it. Which i doubt.

    Ani October 6, 2023 9:32 am
    Lol go live ur delusions man. And same thing goes to you. No one held ur eyes open to look at the the hateful comments unless they actually messaged u abt it. Which i doubt. Mirra


    Jujucat October 6, 2023 10:03 am
    Lol go live ur delusions man. And same thing goes to you. No one held ur eyes open to look at the the hateful comments unless they actually messaged u abt it. Which i doubt. Mirra

    Idk about the message part considering I have over 3k messages and don’t have time to check them. “Delusions” I mean, hate is to be expected when you’re the uploader of almost all the BL manhwas on this site. But my issue was people fighting people.
    If you don’t want to read my notes how about you stop being a broke bitch and pay for the chapters yourself, hmm? ^.^ no money? Figures

    hangesimp88 October 6, 2023 11:35 am
    Is that the only part u hung up on? Mirra

    ur acting as if ur not reading on an illegal site.. UR not the one paying for the chapters babe u have NO RIGHT to complain ab a fucking note at the END of a chapter especially when someone is uploading good quality translations with their own money!!!

    Mirra October 6, 2023 12:51 pm
    Idk about the message part considering I have over 3k messages and don’t have time to check them. “Delusions” I mean, hate is to be expected when you’re the uploader of almost all the BL manhwas on this... Jujucat

    What are u talking about???? If ur rlly that immature to the point ur insulting me, grow up. And ur not saying anything abt ppl hating ppl, ur adding more fuel to the fire, bringing more attention to the discourse. A possiblity of causing moree discourse

    Mirra October 6, 2023 12:51 pm
    ur acting as if ur not reading on an illegal site.. UR not the one paying for the chapters babe u have NO RIGHT to complain ab a fucking note at the END of a chapter especially when someone is uploading good qu... hangesimp88

    I do as i please.