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Rainbowmess October 4, 2023 12:16 am

I hope the asshole gets paralized
I hope his opponent does a secret move and bursts his balls open and twists his dick into a knot
I hope dan isnt actually falling in love bcs if so-
I hope he drowns in his own pool bcs of that shoulder

    (:p) October 4, 2023 12:28 am

    FR next time he swims I hope his shoulder dislocates and he drowns

    Also based on the previous story this author made Dan will probably end up with that scum because of his "traumatic" backstory

    むらさきーちゃん October 4, 2023 12:36 am

    Love it sis!
    and i hope someone beats the shit out of him so hard that his face is disfigured. and that he gets aids and his pp falls off but firts i hope that he bites his dick with his zit.

    Peach276 October 4, 2023 12:45 am

    I hope he gets punched in the head so hard he gets a bit of amnesia and transforms into a different person mentally which allows him to truly feel regretful of everything he's done to Dan.