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This is actually a pretty interesting take

KaitoChaos89 October 3, 2023 3:03 am

At least, it is on the cheating fiancee front. Usually these stories make it so the cheater is also an abusive or negligent ass that's only engaged because he was forced to be, but this guy does seem to be putting in the bare minimum into the relationship.

Sure, he tells one of the girls he's seeing that he was "forced" into it, but even the MC knows he's lying about that, since he's perfectly happy to see her when she's alone, he just doesn't want all the other girls he's cheating on her with to see that he's trying to keep up the engagement with the MC.

He's 100% still a dick, but the kind that makes it clear the MC fell for him because of his actual personality instead of just a 5 second meeting or his pretty face like with a lot of other series.
