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The brother is worse

Odinh October 2, 2023 6:17 pm

Everyone’s hating on Diana but the brother is WAY worse. Diana just wants to be empress using dirty methods. Yeah look not great. And treats maids like crap for petty shit due to insecurities. BUT her brother is literally watching and ENJOYING people dying fro towers because he loves the power trip and ego boost that they need him. Innocent citizens are dying. The knights protecting the people are dying and he LOVES it. Wants them to grovel to be saved. The boy is SICK in the head and I want him beheaded rn

    Jenn October 3, 2023 5:46 am

    Lol Diana is right there with him. They had their talk a few chapters ago about how the empress actually doing something would fuck up the magicians power aka her brothers power aka hers. Diana is just as twisted and power hungry. They are one and the same.

    Odinh October 3, 2023 6:20 pm

    Yes she’s awful but she’s like technically able to remove herself as she’s probably thinking about it broadly. Like her mind is filled with ‘how to get more power’. Her brother is literally watching people die and laughing in their faces directly. He is on the scene. He is seeing death. I think Diana would probably faint at the site even though she’s endorsing it