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i can't believe the author expected us to give a single flying fuck about hwan after what ...

bibachoro-ok September 30, 2023 11:40 am

i can't believe the author expected us to give a single flying fuck about hwan after what he did to jin AND chiwoo (but mostly jin).
he was having the worst time of his life and i was just CHEERING, and if that's how i react to the character you wanna give a fluffy happy ending to, then you've fucked up somewhere along the way.

the literally only good thing to come out of this is jin and sunny thriving at the end, chiwoo getting the normal happy life he was owed, and the slight hint that maybe chiwoo might like jin this time. (although im kind of on the fence about that too, bc i think jin deserves better. maybe sunny's new contractor.)

art was nice, characters were cool, and i liked the episodic feel of the first half, where it really felt like generic and beloved magical girl genre tropes. sad that the main couple became so full of shit after that point.

    bibachoro-ok September 30, 2023 1:09 pm

    to clarify, chiwoo is absolutely a victim too, but i say mosfly jin bc unlike jin, chiwoo just,,, kept going back to the root of the problem. if you won't help yourself then what is anyone else supposed to do??