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This was oddly good??

toilet terrorist September 29, 2023 4:50 pm

I thought this would be one of those things with rape in every chapter but it only happened at the very end of chapter five?? Ignoring that, this story has a very unique concept thats hard to find where the person who tops is a crossdresser. I really like how sweet and understanding Nana was of Kei's situation at the start too. Im giving 3/5 because of the rapey part near the end of ch 5 but i still highly reccomend if you dont mind those things. The cover is such a mislead to how good this story is haha

    Storyqueen-ssi November 7, 2023 6:08 pm

    Um, there is no actual rape anywhere in this story. That was a hook up in the middle of horniness. And alcohol only enhanced it. It was consensual. Rape is when one of them is not wanting it. So I am confused by your concept of rape. This whole thing was actually wholesome and sweet.

    toilet terrorist November 7, 2023 6:28 pm
    Um, there is no actual rape anywhere in this story. That was a hook up in the middle of horniness. And alcohol only enhanced it. It was consensual. Rape is when one of them is not wanting it. So I am confused b... Storyqueen-ssi

    You seem to think rape only looks one specific way, thats a myth, rape is nonconsensual sexual intercourse. Key word, nonconsensual, if youre intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, you cant consent. Drunk people cannot consent to sex, that doesnt mean that just because you drank something means you cannot consent because having alcohol in your system doesnt mean youre drunk. But Kei was drunk and therefore unable to consent whether he 'wanted' it or not is unimportant because his mental clarity and physical abilities had been influenced by alcohol. Just like how when someone is drunk, making them sign a contract is illegal because they aren't in a sober and coherent state of mind, having sexual intercourse with a drunk person is rape. Of course, had they been both drunk it would've been a different story because neither of them would've been able to consent but Nana was sober and still took advantage of him!

    Storyqueen-ssi November 7, 2023 6:39 pm

    Well I guess you and I have different concepts. About this. Because I have been in his shoes yes there is a moment when people are extremely drunk enough to no make sense of things but I feel that his "drunk" self was still able to know what he wanted. AND more if it's his boyfriend why would it be wrong? Alcohol only enhances sexual intensity. THAT is what I mean I dont think the author wrote him off to be so drunk that it would be wrong to have sex out in the open with his boyfriend. If you remember the next day what you did it's because you weren't that drunk enough not to know what you are doing in the heat of the moment.

    toilet terrorist November 7, 2023 6:56 pm
    Well I guess you and I have different concepts. About this. Because I have been in his shoes yes there is a moment when people are extremely drunk enough to no make sense of things but I feel that his "drunk" ... Storyqueen-ssi

    Just becaue you are dating someone doesnt mean they have a right to rape you when you're drunk, in fact, usually its people you know or love that are more likely to assault you so the arguement that because someone is dating you theyre entitled to your body is illogical. To be clear, there is only one concept of sexual consent, the definition and standard of sexual consent wont change because of your opinion and you cant warp it. Look at this objectively, its rape, look at this subjectively, it is still rape because consent doesnt cahnge because of your opinion. Also do you have scientific evidence to back up the claim that if you can remember being quasi raped when you were drunk then you werent actually raped because it means you were conscious and clearheaded about your decisions? If not then its not true. Remembering doesnt mean you were able to consent, thats a logical fallacy. Drunk people cannot consent, there is no such thing as "not being drunk enough" either you ARE drunk or you ARE NOT. Im saying drunk as in the definition of what it is to be intoxicated, being under the influence of alcohol to the point it affects your cognitive and/or physical abilities. Alcohol doesnt erase your memory, and as you said you "feel" as if he was able to consent when he was drunk but drunk people cannot consent so he wasnt able to. What he wanted was unimportant, he was unable to consent.

    Takeato January 24, 2024 3:12 am
    Just becaue you are dating someone doesnt mean they have a right to rape you when you're drunk, in fact, usually its people you know or love that are more likely to assault you so the arguement that because som... toilet terrorist

    Wowie A lot of people that read these stories always seem to fail to understand the concept of rape and consent. Its honestly refreshing to see your response