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You seduced me first

PervSadie September 29, 2023 6:53 am

Blame it on the clothes, the girls who walk at night, always blame the victim, too drunk to understand the situation, or to fight back. What I hate is the author basically make him look so much a good guy with how considerate he is in other aspect to make us reader forget what did he do to MC at few first chap. He can cook, he is popular, handsome, rich. Such a good to be true for weak omega isn't he. lol. What a tale. I got tired soon enough. Waiting for MC to break it up, told him about his ex, do smth about all these idk, miscommunication. They aren't in their early 20. Until last chap 34 MC still hasn't told ML that he was infertile before. God forbid this brew up another drama. Might drop it. Nice art. But the story is welp
