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StaleStaz September 29, 2023 12:01 am

Does this mean his mental age is that of a child?

    Meh September 29, 2023 12:43 am


    NewDestiny September 29, 2023 12:48 am

    It hard to say, his age and growth aren't measured the way humans measure their growth. I think the word "innocent" fits better.

    なんでもない~ September 29, 2023 12:51 am

    You can’t really say that since the appearance he takes has nothing to do with his actual age as a dragon. He took the form of the first thing he saw, a child, I think that’s all

    Bummer September 29, 2023 12:53 am

    Yeah, since he was neglected, he’s basically mentally stunted atp. He’s likely much older than he looks tho.

    StaleStaz September 29, 2023 1:29 am
    Yeah, since he was neglected, he’s basically mentally stunted atp. He’s likely much older than he looks tho. Bummer

    Yeah I know. But I’m just saying like I’m the flash back not current day. He would still be thinking like a child probably

    toilet terrorist September 29, 2023 1:48 am

    Probably? Maybe even younger perhaps, im assuming that dragons are highly adaptable creators so he could probably mature much faster than the average human mentally. Considering that he can shapeshift, he could probably have the physical body of an adult male if he desires it enough. The only reason he didnt change before is because he didnt realise he was a dragon. The body he chose is still in a very vulnerable state mentally but hes got a way better mental capacity than a kid that age. His actual age isnt so important right now though, mentally speaking hes probably just a child with trauma. Being super clingy like how he always is might have a lot to do with the fact he was abused so much, Taehyuk was the only adult he met that showed him a foorm of affection or care so he superglued himself onto him. Hes in a state of innocence but i think as he becomes more and more concious of his capabilities he'll experience rapid growth both mentally and physically.

    Aila September 29, 2023 11:08 pm

    What is up with the massive cope in the comments section. He ACTS LIKE A CHILD because he's a baby dragon, dude was born recently. He doesn't know who he is and doesn't have enough life experience to act like an adult, to have agency and be self reliant. The fact that they met when he looks and acts like a child is unnerving knowing that they're mates. Period. Anyone who doesn't feel grossed out by it is fine, there hasn't been anything damning. But those who DO dislike this dynamic are completely justified. No "mythical creature" excuse takes away the discomfort of watching a child and an adult in the context of them being in a relationship.

    StaleStaz September 29, 2023 11:47 pm
    What is up with the massive cope in the comments section. He ACTS LIKE A CHILD because he's a baby dragon, dude was born recently. He doesn't know who he is and doesn't have enough life experience to act like a... Aila

    We don’t actually know if they are mates yet.. For all we know, he could have had someone else but truly desired the Mc (I’m delulu)