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I just can't

Sillybookworm September 26, 2023 10:18 am

I only read 5 chapters and I already can't bear her mother the queen. I really need to vent.

If she thought so highly of that precognition powers of hers that she foretold the future Pride, then didn't she ever think to change it? She had visions of the future and suddenly dropped her daughter like a hot potato. Not even seeing her, not even caring when she manifested precognition, not even when she's sick or had a brother, not even TRYING. Meanwhile she immediately turned to the 2nd daughter and decided to make her queen in the future? And coddling her with all her heart? Wtf? And her father never questioned this? Merely repeating "she loves you", like hell she does!

Then suddenly she changed and NOW you think she's gonna be a good queen when you don't even have visions of her anymore? I thought you're so sure of that powers of yours, at least enough to abandon your DAUGHTER.

Damn, ever since I read "Death is the only Ending for the Villainess" I've had trouble choking down forgiveness when the characters don't deserve it. I wish she just treat her mother like a queen, never a mom. That way she'll understand the consequences of what she had done.

    Sakura October 1, 2023 5:41 pm

    I hope so too

    Venus October 5, 2023 11:43 pm

    Yeah… the mom completely discarded her after those visions.. didn’t even try to change anything
    agree with you

    Ugly_Rose October 13, 2023 5:03 pm

    for real I hate that type of character so much like dame b**** you can't just abandon your own flipping child then try to go back when you no longer see visons of her like the hell man ?! you left her alone not even giving her any attention no wonder she became so flipping wicked?! then you try to go back screw off you witch!!

    LuciaShiki November 1, 2023 1:09 pm

    Thank you, you are saying exactly what I am thinking. I was so mad. She just abandoned her own daughter necause if that instead of raising her with love and care