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Y'all are gonna hate me for this

Thalia September 26, 2023 6:57 am

I realllly don't want eunyung to join the theater club. A video of him as a child got spread around the school and just brought up trauma of his neglect and abuse. I would like him to get back into acting IF HE WANTS but idk why everyone is pushing him to be apart of the theater club when he clearly doesnt want to. Maybe im just projecting from when i got harrassed by a club to join. those bitches hound you to no end, especially if they're a theater club, band club, or marching bag club

    Thalia September 26, 2023 6:58 am


    Tch September 26, 2023 8:25 am

    Honestly yeah. While I thonk it would be good for him overall, it's starting to get really annoying how everyone keeps pushing him. He said he doesn't want to, respect it

    Thalia September 26, 2023 8:50 am
    Honestly yeah. While I thonk it would be good for him overall, it's starting to get really annoying how everyone keeps pushing him. He said he doesn't want to, respect it Tch

    thank you for putting exactly how i feel into words

    Tch September 26, 2023 9:17 am
    thank you for putting exactly how i feel into words Thalia

    It's such a shame something he was good at and enjoyed was spoiled and ruined for him because of his truah parents

    Nopko September 26, 2023 9:38 pm

    nah i get you, it doesn't even feels like he's joining the theatre club because it's something he wants to do (altough i think it's pretty clear he wants to do it deep down) but because everyone is pushing so damn hard and the chance at having a dorm (i get where the teach is trying to do but it feels shitty to dangle that kind of thing in front of a kid that is struggling and not in the best living condition)

    Thalia September 27, 2023 2:09 am
    nah i get you, it doesn't even feels like he's joining the theatre club because it's something he wants to do (altough i think it's pretty clear he wants to do it deep down) but because everyone is pushing so d... Nopko

    yeah dangling stable housing as bait for a child who is almost homeless to join a theater club is so fucking weird. idk why they cant just give stable housing to a student from an abusive family. Even if they dont know that he has an abusive family, the bald teacher knows that eunyung is living in a very unstable place. housing shouldnt be a reward that can be taken away if you dont do what your TEACHER wants