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Little glasses boy is a condescending, manipulative little sh*t from the start, I couldnt ...

LeatherKitten September 22, 2023 4:31 am

Little glasses boy is a condescending, manipulative little sh*t from the start, I couldnt really root for them as a couple. He forces himself into the conversation that the girls are having with his friend, takes it over until they leave from the awkwardness, then tells his friend later “oh they ran off because YOU are bad at conversation” (basically making it seem like he’s the one at fault ) This is exactly the kind of move possessive lovers do to keep your self esteem low and make you feel like you can only ever rely on them. Scanned through the rest, and it seems like this nastiness is never addressed. Yikes. This is going to be a very draining relationship for the seme.
