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i hate the teacher (cuz he's bald lol)

Thalia September 19, 2023 9:21 am

when teachers try to pry into the personal life of a student it's soooooo annoying... I know that they have good intentions and that they just want their students to have good opportunities but when you're from an abusive household you just can't ever let teachers know. 99 out of 100 times they'll tell your parents or guardians where you're currently living if you confide in them about running away. their good intentions often get children dragged back into abusive households and teachers should know where the line needs to be drawn. making eunyung go to these weird classes is just taking time away from him working an actual job. the teacher literally tried to cheat eunyung out of the money he was promised. in south korea, the minimum wage is 9,620 korean won (as per
take-profit[.]org) in 2023. eunyung went to "classes" for four hours and he made 50,000 won, while if he worked a min wage job he wouldve made 38,480 won. however, i have a very strong gut feeling that the teacher will start refusing to pay eunyung for going to these classes. this teacher is bold enough to try to lie to eunyung straight to his face and attempted to scam eunyung out of the money he was promised. and idgaf if he has "good intentions". you can still hurt people without meaning to.

    Thalia September 19, 2023 9:23 am

    holy shit that is a wall of text