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Idols also deserve respect

DarKDevil September 19, 2023 1:50 am

Ok so I personally think fl kind of deserves the bullying thou i don't want it to continue or happen in the first place but the way she acts is like a hypocrite and i think she knows this her self too she goes round telling idols are not products but then is a leader of a organisation which literally treats idols has products plus this more over proves that she is a crazy fan that makes a idols life difficult sure drugs and major crime is understandable to expose but to expose things like dating, smoking or drinking (smoking and drinking are bad for health and shouldn't be done for one own good but occasionally if a person feel that they can it is ok) and being hated for that as if a sin is not right they are also human (︶︿︶)=凸
At some point I feel like the author forgot this point and makes the idols look very bad while the crazy fans reasonable which makes it look like "fans come first" is the only way an idol should be and any other way is just plain wrongヽ(`Д´)ノ
Just to make my self clear i don't wish for the fl to be bullied coz that is something no one should go through but that includes idols they also deserve respect they r idols coz of their looks, talent and personality and if anyone doesn't like either of these thing about them then they should be a fan or an anti-fan no one is forcing them but neither of these gives them the right to judge and hate them for being a little human coz they r already giving alot up to be one (/TДT)/

    bree September 25, 2023 1:29 pm

    Yessss, full hearted agree with you. Fans can be so much to deal with and some push the limits that go beyond treating an idol like an actual human and more like a plaything for them. The author can make some idols bad and disrespect fans but should’ve also been balanced by idols who do generally care for the fans but need to do things to relax and that could be drinking and smoking or maybe having an actual healthy but secretive dating life. I’m little disappointed that only this one I don’t know the ml is the good idol and the other members of the group are not good enough/“bad idols”. The story is still entertaining as hell but a hypocritical. (Especially hate that it turns out that she’s the purest Vanta black it was fun but from a plot perspective because then doesn’t make much sense that she’s so clueless about the lives idols have to deal with.)