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I really liked the panel in ch 3 where the black comes bleeding out her eye- it just looke...

DomesticGriffin September 19, 2023 12:55 am

I really liked the panel in ch 3 where the black comes bleeding out her eye- it just looked really cool.

And while the art style and the upgraded family plot is all Very shojo- all the violence is just a biiit more gruesome than the average shojo. Like, stylistically it's no horror manga, but usually heroines don't get their eyes gouged out... Executed for sure, but any blood is usually a vague black splotch rather than ever showing red.

    Naty Hunter September 19, 2023 2:51 am

    Not usually but I think I have seen it at least 4 times

    Yeah the black seeping out of her eyes was really cool