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Everybody saying mc is dumb for not picking up on ml's snakey vibes, but a) sleep deprivat...

DomesticGriffin September 18, 2023 11:41 pm

Everybody saying mc is dumb for not picking up on ml's snakey vibes, but
a) sleep deprivation is a hell of a drug, and
b) mc already Knows this guy is shady af, but he is so /Desperate/ that he'd be willing to fuck a con artist or an actual snake demon for the possibility of sleep

    ritsu September 20, 2023 7:31 am

    For real! As someone who suffers from a sleep disorder, my insomnia is so bad, I am literally severely sleep deprived every day. I relate to this MC so much!

    Eliona September 24, 2023 4:09 pm

    FR!!! Sleep deprivation is nasty thing to go through