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Blind idolization of SK via Kdramas

Izzie September 18, 2023 4:47 am

This kind of portrayal is not really surprising though. SK is predominantly a sexist and racist country altogether. You are talking about them being racist to other races when many of them can't stand or are racist against mixed SK children especially if the Non Korean parent is a Pinoy etc i.e discrimination against OTHER Asians. Many of them have preconceived perception of an individual based on where he is from and are absolutely flabbergasted when someone tries to correct them. They can pass cruel and insulting remarks with a smile and see nothing wrong with it. I know a SK youtuber who would make racist jokes and would laugh at some of his viewers chastising him by saying that the viewer is too sensitive. However when he went to the states he was absolutely shocked when some of his classmates did the same to him and had a breakdown in one of his videos.

Also I find it funny how many of the non Koreans STILL seem to want to defend SK and say they are not actually that racist because they have a make believe perception of SK being this being that solely from the fact that they seem to believe whatever is shown in Kdrama and way too much into it. Some people act like they know better when even the permanent Korean residents especially high schoolers and the genz speaks out about how sexist and racist the people of the country is. It's hilarious. Blind worship and delusion based on infatuation of their sitcoms is stupidity. Their judgement is certainly clouded and are biased to the core but refuse to accept it.
