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Wow bold choice of the author to have a ml with absolutely Zero character growth. I know I...

DomesticGriffin September 17, 2023 5:13 am

Wow bold choice of the author to have a ml with absolutely Zero character growth.
I know It's a common trope to start with an absolute dumpster fire of a man and then redeem him, so like that's what I was expecting? But there was no tragic backstory, no resolved misunderstanding, no grovel... just the littlest bit of good behavior, but then oop no he still a violent asshole.
This guy ---on the LAST GD chapter threatens an innocent bystander, goes to PUNCH the mc, also it's not even clear whether he's cheating or just hanging out with these girls. Like they're just suddenly all smiles in the middle of a fight that was not at all resolved- and the BOOM The End.
Like the uke and his friend just kinda laugh it off --like they're just a bickering couple, rather than being literally abusive.

I will say, it was written well enough to be a compelling hate-read; it did make me read to the end and compose a short essay about how shit this relationship was rather than dropping it
