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I wonder if it is normal in Japan that people ignore when a child is abused... I have seen...

agathat November 13, 2016 8:18 pm

I wonder if it is normal in Japan that people ignore when a child is abused... I have seen several mangas when a teen or a child is abused by their parents and even though neigbors know they don't do anything... I even seen in mangas where mothers ask their children do not play with the abused child... I know if it is sexual abuse people do help, but is strange that several mangas (shogo, seinen, shonen,yaoi, etc...) no one help when the child is physically abused... only teachers, but the rest do like nothing is happening... like no see no hear...

I wonder if this is only for the plot sake or it is really like that there... there are so many mangas that I have seen this that it strange for me to ignore it and take it as a plot twist!!!

    Anonymous November 13, 2016 9:56 pm

    honestly, i think most of that is done for the plot.
    but also, there are too many people anywhere in the world that will ignore abuse because it's too troublesome to get involved, or are scared of something, or think they can't really help
    in my country it's sad that we have very bad system for dealing with this, so abuse is often overlooked

    agathat November 14, 2016 2:51 pm

    True, some countries has really bad justice system... still is a little frustrating to see kids get abused and people don't help... even in mangas :(

    OAoMo November 17, 2016 2:48 pm

    It's just a thin line between abuse and discipline tho' Asian parents seem to push their kids more. When you were young, parents seem to put all expectations and decide eveything for you. Also I think it's kind like normal for some culture that parents physically punish their kids. I agree with you that punch kids in their faces is kind like excessive, but I would more likely call his father "too strictly and lack of sympathy" than "abuser" since mostly his intention was to get his kid a good future. It's just his method is so unagreeable.