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Idk guys

Chrome September 15, 2023 11:38 am

I'm not sure why you guys despise Joohyuk considering it's their father's fault in the first place.

    AshureyPreia September 15, 2023 11:53 am

    Sorry, meant to like it..

    Chibi September 15, 2023 12:21 pm

    I despise both their parents for the fucking idiots they are and I despise the uke and seme too, because the uke that supposedly has so much power wasn't even suspicious about this mate the seme kept talking about when he couldn't find him in all the information he knew about him???? Dude, come on, the seme was a jerk, but it's like the uke was stupid just about the right things, so many misundertandings, it's both their fault for not talkinggggg about it... the one I hate the most is the uke's dad, hypocrite...