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This is a masterpiece, at least for me

hotgirlsht September 15, 2023 8:09 am

Tbh, i'm not satisfied with the ending, a bit rushed for me and it end immediately after she left, we didn't even get any update about kippei, his family & kokoro! I wanna see kippei & kokoro as adults & adulting together!

I wish there is a side story for the onee-chan, she is so cool and interesting. I hope she end up with kind person who can understand her circumstances, maybe they'll adopt since she seems to love children?

Oh right, i also love how they handle the plot when kokoro got kissed without her consent. Ngl, i expected (and prepared to get annoyed) that boy will be around longer as kippei's love rival or smthng like that since this is old shoujo manga & i've read too many shoujo who treat forced physical contact like hug and kiss as romantic act. I'm so happy that isn't the case in this one
