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He looks so exhausted

Robin September 15, 2023 2:33 am

In the last page he looks so tired I get it’s because he got his back blown but I really hope that jake gets the karma that’s coming for him I will explain everything I want to happen to him in detail…..first thing first I want to stub his toe (start of slowly) ands day later he gets a paper cut and finds out he actually had internal bleeding then he goes to the hospital to get it checked or whatever then he gets hit by a car on his way out and he becomes paralyzed from the ads to his legs do naturally he can fight anymore the one day when he gets better and can walk again he is traumatized by cars so he can’t drive anymore and he takes the train and one day when he’s waiting for the trai someone pushes him into the tracks the Train comes and hits him he survives and dies a a month later in a slow and painful death
