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Okay im still reading this and damn all i feel sadness really. I’m sad and I pity Silas...

Erishii September 10, 2023 11:32 pm

Okay im still reading this and damn all i feel sadness really.

I’m sad and I pity Silas, I really think he sincerely love and care for the MC. His life is tragic and it was so obvious that he said awful things to the MC so he won’t blame and kill himself.

I don’t like Ethan cause initially he used his family background to gain the favor of the mom and have a better control of the MC. Also the mom dying adds more layer of angst and guilt for the MC but the truth is she is not a great mom forcing the MC her beliefs and threatening her own life to get in the way.

Also i think the MC didn’t initially love Ethan and was indifferent with the relationship unlike with Silas who showed him a bit of freedom. Of course we want a secured life and definitely Ethan will be a better choice, Silas had a very shady background and life but meeting the MC he means it when he said he is willing to change his life.

But based on the preview of the first chapter we know that it didn’t really go well.

I’m sad and drowning in this angst. The MC is not best clearly he doesn’t know accountability on his choices and just allow Ethan or Silas to take it so it will be less hurtful for him.

They probably deserved better than MC but let’s see.
